Page 33 of Inevitable

He pushes out of his chair, his palms landing on the desk as he bares his teeth. “And why is that Xander? Hmm? It couldn’t possibly be anything to do with the Maxwell girl, could it?” he snarls.

I reel back like he just slapped me, my eyes searching his face. In that moment and by the way his mouth curves into an evil grin, I know he knows. “What?” My voice is almost a whisper.

He chuckles, the sound humorless and nasty. “You really think I didn’t know? About her? About your bastard son? I saw the pictures in that magazine. I will admit I don’t usually read gossip rags, but my assistant had it laying on her desk. Imagine my surprise when I read the headline. And when you disappeared to New York soon after, I just knew it had everything to do with that girl and nothing to do with business.”

I can’t breathe. Everything in me tightens. I knew there was a possibility he would know about Aria and Baron. But hearing it from his mouth has everything in me tightening. I should have known Calvin Hastings would be one step ahead. Straightening my spine, I move into a threatening stance. “You stay away from them.” It’s not a question. It’s a fucking demand.

He chuckles, the sound slithering down my spine and making me feel uneasy. “I will stay away from them as long as you do.”

I watch him for a long beat, wondering how the hell this man is my father. Wondering how my mother ever got involved with someone like him. The man is the biggest piece of shit I have ever met. “I am going to New York first thing in the morning. Don’t try and stop me. There are things I need to take care of.” I don’t elaborate, and by the smile he gives me, he thinks I am conceding to his demands. Like fuck I am.

“Very well. When you get back, we will move forward with the wedding.” He claps his hands.

Without saying another word, I turn on my heel and make my way back to my bedroom, where I call Ryker. I relay to him everything that just happened. We need to move forward with our plan now that I know for certain that Calvin is aware of my family. I will kill him and his whole world before I let him hurt them in any way. Calvin Hastings just fucked with the wrong man. He poked the beast. Threatened the two people I love more than anything in this world.

Now he will see just how far I am prepared to go to protect what is mine.

* * *

Disembarking the plane with my carry-on, I make my way through JFK. Ryker insisted I fly on the private jet that the brotherhood owns. I refused. I don’t want to take shit from the brotherhood.

All I can focus on right now is getting to my princess and my son. Aria still hasn’t taken my calls or responded to any of my messages. I know she is angry, but she needs to hear me out. Shewillhear me out.

Outside, I find a cab and hop in, giving him the address for Aria’s building. Leaning back against the seat, my knee bounces in anticipation of what I am going to walk into. No doubt, I will receive the wrath of all the Maxwells. I will take every bit of it because I deserve it. I should have been honest. I know that now. I just thought I could work things out before it came to this. It was naïve of me. I should have anticipated Calvin interfering in some way.

Sighing, I lean back against the headrest, my head filled with thoughts of how much I have royally fucked up. Guilt consumes me, but then I remind myself that no matter what, we will get through this. We have to. It’s the only way.

Aria Maxwell is mine no matter how much she thinks otherwise, and we will be a family. As soon as all this shit with my father is worked out, I will be trying to put another baby inside her, to give Baron a brother or sister. It was taken away from me with Baron, and I will do anything to have a second chance at this with Aria. I want nothing more than to be there for her. Watching her belly grow with my baby, holding her hand when she gives birth. I smile at the thoughts despite the current situation.

Just over thirty minutes later, we come to a stop outside the Maxwell’s building. Handing the fare over, I grab my bag and climb out. Standing on the sidewalk. I crane my neck and look to the top. I swallow as anxiety courses through me. Fuck. Why can’t anything just be simple in my life?

Blowing out a breath, I decide to man up and push through the lobby doors. I smile at the receptionist and murmur a hello to both her and the security guard. They know me now, so I don’t get stopped or asked any questions. Striding to the elevator, I hit the button for the penthouse. Seconds later, a ding sounds, and the doors open. I feel like I am heading to my execution as I step inside. It sounds ridiculous even as I think it. Technically, I haven’t done anything wrong. Yes, I lied by omission, but it’s not like it’s a real engagement. I had everything under control until my father had to interfere. I snort. I should have known he was waiting for the moment he could pull out his trump card. And damn was it a good one. I refuse to let this ruin me and Aria, though. I refuse to let him win.

The elevator comes to a stop, breaking me from my thoughts, and as soon as the doors slide open, I move toward the only door on this level. It’s past two P.M., so I am hoping they are in, and Aria hasn’t taken Baron on one of their walks. Pushing the buzzer, I wait for someone to answer. Not a minute later, I hear footsteps hitting the marble floor on the other side of the door, and a second later, it is pulled open, and I come face to face with Christian Maxwell.

His eyes narrow in on me, and the way he scrutinizes me makes me feel like a child who has been caught doing something he shouldn’t have. Christian huffs a laugh. “You are either brave or stupid,” he grumbles.

I straighten. I won’t let this man intimidate me or make me feel worse than I already do. I love his daughter. I just didn’t go about things in the right way. “I know I fucked up. Again,” I add. “But it’s not what Aria thinks. I need to talk to her.”

He exhales. “It never is, Bishop.” He sweeps his hand for me to enter. “She is in the lounge. Go ahead. It’s your funeral.” He smirks. “Oh, and I would definitely keep your balls covered.” He snickers and saunters down the hall to his office. Smug bastard is enjoying this.

Blowing out a breath, I stride down to the lounge with a confidence I don’t feel, only to come to a halt when I step inside. The room turns deadly silent, and all eyes are on me. All apart from Theo, who is bouncing my son in his arms. My gaze bounces around the room, landing on Thalia, Elena, and Evan before they move to my princess. The look on her face would make most men want to shrivel up and die. Her eyes scorch my face with the anger that radiates from them. Clearing my throat, I greet everyone, “Hey.”

“Oh, hey, Bishop.” Thalia is the first one to greet me, followed by her mama. Evan just glares, while Theo smirks. Guess he is enjoying the heat being off him.

Moving deeper into the room, I head straight for Baron and take him from Theo. “Hey, little man. Daddy missed you.” I press kisses to his forehead, my throat tightening with emotion when his eyes light up and he says, “Dada.” Squeezing him tight to me, I breathe in his scent. It calms me, giving me the strength and determination to do what I need to do.

Spinning around, my eyes land on Aria. Hurt and another emotion I can’t quite decipher flash on her beautiful face, and my knees almost buckle. “Can we talk?” I rasp.

She blinks and nods. “Let’s go to my room. Can you watch Baron?” she asks no one in particular, but it’s Thalia that steps forward and takes him from me. Her eyes are kind, but I see the disappointment in them.

Aria stands, spins, and leaves the room. I follow her, and I can’t help when my eyes dip to her perfect ass. Curvy, tight. Memories of me gripping the pink flesh as I pounded into her perfect pussy assault me, and my dick stands to attention. Jesus Christ. Now is not the time. I silently will my hardening cock to calm the fuck down before Aria witnesses it. My princess enters her room, and I am only a step over the threshold when she lays into me.

“You lying piece of shit. How could you do this to me? To Baron?” she hisses.

Sighing, I close the door to give us some privacy and then turn to face my raging little princess. “It’s not what you think, baby.” I take cautious steps toward her.

She chuckles, but it’s humorless. “Not what I think? I saw the damn article, you asshole. All this time when you have been saying you want us to be a family, you have a fiancée.” Her voice pitches on the last word, and pain flashes in her eyes. Moving toward her, I reach out to try and grab her arms, but she pulls away. “Don’t.”