Page 24 of Inevitable

“I will miss you, buddy. Make sure your mama video calls me so I can see you, okay?” I say, even though I know he has no idea what I am going on about. He stares at me, a smile on his face. So innocent with no idea of the danger that could come his way if I don’t protect him. Looking to my princess, I say, “You will keep in contact, right? I want to know everything he does. Even if he so much as burps, I want to know about it.”

Sighing, Aria leans back against the couch. She tries to suppress a smile, but I see it. “Yes, Bishop. We have been over this; I will call you every day.” I don’t miss the exasperation in her voice.

“Good. I will miss you both. So much. I hate that I am leaving, but I don’t have a choice. My father will come here if I don’t go back, and I can’t risk that.” My words are cryptic, but I am giving Aria something of an explanation as to why I am leaving.

“One day, you are going to have to explain everything to me. For now, I will try and understand, but just know that if you mess our son around in any way, then I will do what needs to be done to protect him.”

The protectiveness in her voice makes me smile. She would do anything to protect Baron, even if that means keeping me away from him. “I would never do anything to jeopardize the chance you have given me, princess. I love Baron. I loveyou.” I freeze as her eyes widen, and her lips part. Fuck. I shouldn’t have said that. But I can’t help myself. It’s the truth, and Aria should know how I feel about her.

“Bishop,” she whispers.

“You don’t have to say anything. I just need to let you know how I feel.” I take my eyes from Aria and focus on my son. Tears prick my eyes as I stare at him. I don’t want to leave. This is my family. My everything. “I need to get going.” My voice is thick with emotion.

Aria nods before standing. I push to a stand with Baron still in my arms and follow my princess out to the foyer. The penthouse is quiet today, and I haven’t seen her parents, so I assume they are out. Coming to a stop at the front door, Aria turns toward me. Her eyes glitter with tears before she blinks them away and plasters on a fake smile.

Taking a risk and knowing there is every chance she will push me away, I grip her chin with my free hand and press my lips to hers. Aria gasps, allowing me entrance. I sweep my tongue inside, groaning at the taste of her. A taste I haven’t had in so long but is familiar all the same.


Pulling back before she can reject me, I hold Baron tighter and place a kiss on his forehead before my eyes go back to his shocked-looking mama. I smirk. “If there was any confusion about you being mine, I am hoping that kiss has cleared things up. You may say you don’t want me, but your lips, body, and the way you respond to me say otherwise.” Giving my son another kiss, I hand him over to Aria. “I will be back soon, princess. Be prepared for our relationship to move up a notch,” I say to her, then turn to Baron. “See you soon, buddy. Daddy will miss you.” I don’t recognize my voice through the emotion clogging my throat. With one last glance at my world, I pull the door open and walk away, all the while my whole being is demanding I go back inside and stay with them.

But I can’t. Not until my father is dealt with.

* * *

“How are you feeling?” Ryker asks as we load into the waiting SUV at the airport. The whole flight from New York to Vegas, my heart felt like it was being pulled out of my chest. How I walked away from them both, I don’t know. There is one thing that trumps my need for being with them right now, and that is protecting them. And I will do that above all else.

I shrug, eyeing the soldiers in the front. Although Ryker trusts them, I am not so sure. I don’t trust anyone but my friends right now. “Okay. Ready to get this over with,” I murmur for only Ryker to hear.

He leans his head against the headrest, closing his eyes. “It will all work out, Bishop.”

I nod, even though he can’t see it. “It has to,” I say with conviction. Because there is no other way.

I stare out the window as we make our way to The Five Families headquarters. My father demanded a meeting as soon as we landed to discuss our business trip to New York. I know what he is trying to do. He is trying to catch me in a lie. See if there were other reasons for me being ?on the east coast. He is aware that the Maxwells live there. Fortunately for me, Ryker has covered every corner when it comes to the business we did attend to, and on the flight, he went over everything with me again, knowing my father will question me.

Around thirty minutes later, we pull into the secure compound, which from the outside looks like a house, but once you get inside resembles a high-end office building. It is designed perfectly with meeting rooms, offices, bedrooms, and the piece de resistance, a ballroom, for when they want to host parties to impress the elite of the world.

We move through the security gate and pull to a stop. Ryker opens his door, eyeing me. “You ready?”

“As I will ever be,” I grumble, not wanting to deal with Calvin Hastings right now. All I can focus on is my family back in New York and the fact that he is keeping me away from them.

Making our way up the steps, the armed guards nod as we pass and move through the front door. Inside, we stride down the hall to the large meeting room, where we know everyone will be. Pushing through the doors, the talking stops, and all eyes land on us. My father glares at me before he covers it with a tight smile.

“Nice of you both to join us.” He is trying to keep his voice calm, but I hear the anger in it.

I smirk as my eyes move between the men at the head of the table—my father, Byron Delgado, Nash Graham, and Walton Vanderbilt. They all eyeball me and Ryker like we are an inconvenience, but I don’t miss the hint of a smirk on Walton’s lips—Ryker’s father and the man who is supposedly going to help us with the takedown of Calvin. My gaze moves to Stone and Zane. Both look like they would rather be anywhere but here. Moving to the table, I pull out a chair and take a seat, as does Ryker.

My father clears his throat. “Now that my son and Ryker have arrived, we can begin.” He shuffles some papers in front of him before his gaze moves around the people in the room. “As you are all aware, we are one family down since the brutal murders of the Fancott family at the hand of our enemies. And while it has been a difficult time for us all, it is now time to appoint a new family to our brotherhood. After speaking with the other heads of the families, we have decided the best person to fulfill this role would be Spencer Parkes.”

I clench my jaw at the name because I know what is coming next. I think about saying something but then snap my mouth shut when my father continues.

“Having Spencer join our establishment will not only bring many business opportunities, but it will also strengthen our organization. As you are aware, his brother, Donald Parkes, is the Governor of Nevada—which will allow us to fly under the radar more than we already are. Spencer also has the monopoly on the drug trade within Vegas, meaning we can triple our profits.” Stone opens his mouth to speak, but my father holds his hand up, silencing him. He continues. “I know we run mostly legitimate businesses, but I think bringing Spencer and his dealings into the fold will not only increase our money but our power. We need this.” He looks around before clearing his throat. “Now, I have spoken with Spencer many times and have come to an agreement with him. Of course, he wanted some insurance, and I was happy to give that to him.” His eyes move to me, and he smirks. “My son will marry Spencer’s daughter, Stacey Parkes.” My fists ball. “This will join our families together and give him the assurance he needs to join us as the fifth family.”

Murmurs break out around the room, and it’s Walton that speaks up, “Did Mr. Parkes specifically ask for your son, Calvin, or was that your idea?”

My father’s eyes land on Walton, and he smirks. “He asked for Xander. It makes sense, considering the Hastings are the founding family of our wonderful organization.” The arrogance in his words makes me and Walton—by the look on his face—want to strangle him.

Walton plasters on a tight smile. “Very well. I guess it is time to vote. All those in favor of Spencer Parkes joining our organization, raise your hands.”