Page 23 of Inevitable

I mull over my sister’s words. She has told me many times about that day, but still, the pain doesn’t lessen. The hurt is still there. He still left. “I know. But I can’t just forget everything that happened Thalia, no matter how easy it would be. Do I love him? Yes. I never stopped. But I can’t just forgive.”

“I understand that, and you need to do what is best for you. All I am saying is, don’t cut the possibility of something that could be amazing off just because you think that is the only way. If there is any part of you that thinks that Bishop is what you want, that he can make you happy? Then you need to move on from the past and allow yourself a shot at being a family. I am not saying you can’t make him work for it. In fact, I would make him jump through hoops to prove himself.” She grins, and I chuckle.

“Hmm, that could be fun.” I sigh. “I don’t know. I need to take things slow. He is going back to Vegas tomorrow and won’t be back until Baron’s birthday.”

Thalia frowns. “You don’t think he will come back for his son’s birthday?”

I shrug. “If I am being honest. I’m scared. He left once. What if he does it again?”

“Aria,” Thalia murmurs. My eyes meet hers, and I see the concern in them. “He will come back. I think you need to sit down with him and communicate your fears. Lay all your cards out on the table. Relationships are hard enough without all the stuff you two have been through. Talk to him. Tell him how you feel.”

I blow out a breath. “You’re right. I need to sit down and talk to him before he leaves. The anxiety I felt when he told me he was leaving was crippling. I just don’t want to let him in if he is going to disappear again.”

“He won’t, sis. I have a good feeling about this.” My sister smiles before her gaze goes to something over the screen. Her eyes light up, and I know who it is without seeing them.

“Are you ready to go, piccola?” Theo’s voice sounds.

“Yes. Let me just finish up my call with Aria.”

“Hey, Theo,” I shout in greeting.

His face appears behind my sister, and he smiles. He is a handsome man. I can see why Thalia fell for him. “Hey, Aria.”

“How is London?” I ask.

“Good. How is Baron?” he replies.

“Good. He is growing every day.”

He nods before gazing down at my sister. The love and adoration that shines in his eyes make me feel a little jealous. I want someone to look at me the way Theo looks at Thalia. “I will wait in the car.” He drops a kiss to her head. “Bye, Aria.” And with that, he disappears from the screen.

“I will let you go, baby sis,” I say, not wanting to end the call but knowing I need to. And not just because Thalia has things to do. Anytime now, Baron will be waking.

“Okay, I will talk to you tomorrow. Give my nephew a big kiss from me. I flove you.”

“I will. Flove you too,” I say before ending the call.

Dropping my cell on the bed beside me, I sigh, thinking about my conversation with Thalia. She is right. I need to talk to Bishop.

It will be hard to tell him my fears and be vulnerable with him, but I need to.

Not just for me but for our son.



My mom used to tell me that saying goodbye was hard. I thought it was just something she said to explain her tears every time we parted. I have never experienced it myself. And if I am being honest, I thought I was immune to it.

I can now confirm that I am not unaffected.

Right now, I am saying goodbye to my son and princess, and I never knew something could hurt so much. As I hold Baron in my arms and look into his big, blue eyes that match mine, I feel bereft.

I don’t want to leave him.

I don’t want to leave her.

Even if it is only for a couple of weeks.