Page 22 of Inevitable

Why was he in my father’s office?

“Did you have a nice walk, sweetheart?” My dad asks the question, but I’m not sure who it is directed at.

“It was lovely. Although it’s getting cold now,” Mama answers, shrugging off her coat and stepping into his open arms.

I smile, watching them before my eyes move back to Bishop. I raise a brow, making him smirk. Rolling my eyes, I say, “You’re early.”

Moving around my parents, he bends down in front of our son’s stroller, placing a kiss on his forehead before his gaze moves back to me. “Yeah, I know. I was in the neighborhood.” He looks back to Baron before unbuckling his straps. “Hey, buddy, Daddy missed you.” He lifts him into his arms. Without saying anything, he spins and strolls toward the lounge.

“Glad he is making himself at home already,” I say sarcastically, looking at my father. “What were you doing in your office?” I remove my own coat.

Dad sighs. “Bishop was early. I had some work to do, so I invited him to sit in my office while he waited for you.”

I purse my lips. I don’t entirely believe my father’s words, only because there is no way he would keep his mouth shut and not say anything about what happened. Christian Maxwell is protective of his family. He is also aware of how much Bishop broke me. “Hmm, okay. We will talk more about this later.” My parents both grin. I shake my head, then make my way to the lounge.

Stepping inside, I pause on the threshold as I take in the scene in front of me. Bishop sits on the couch, holding our son in the air as he makes him laugh. “Can you say Dada? Dada. Dada,” he repeats the word. I smile despite myself.

Baron squeals. “Da, Da,” he babbles trying to repeat the words.

Moving toward them, I sit down on the couch. “He can say Mama, can’t you, baby?”

“Mama,” he repeats in his little voice. My chest tightens hearing him say the word. It’s only been a couple of weeks of me teaching him words, of him trying to talk, but every time he says Mama, it feels like the first time.

“I know I’ve already said it. But you really are a great mom,” Bishop whispers.

I shift my gaze to him. “Thank you. It’s not hard being his mama. He is perfect,” I say softly. The more I am around this man, the more vulnerable I feel. I can feel the ice thawing around my chest with every interaction.

“He really is.” He looks at our son with so much adoration, it almost suffocates me. “So, I just wanted to let you know that I need to go back to Vegas tomorrow.”

The ice that was thawing suddenly freezes over, and I feel my heart speed up. He is leaving.

I fucking knew he would do this.

Before I can say anything, his eyes soften as if he knows exactly what I am thinking. Cuddling Baron to his side, he takes my hand in his free one. “I will be back for Baron’s birthday, princess. This is not like last time. Iwon’tleave you. You have to understand there is nothing that will keep me from the two of you.” I snort, making him narrow his eyes. “I deserve your mistrust, but last time was different, I was protecting you. I will be back. And as soon as I have everything tied up, I will come back permanently. You are my family. Baron is mine.Youare mine.”

My lips part as I suck in a breath at his words. The conviction in them. It would be so easy to fall back into all things Bishop, but I can’t. I need to be strong. Remember what he did. “I am not yours,” I mutter.

Bishop smirks, leaning into me so close, his hot breath fans across my lips. “Yes. You. Are. Princess.” He enunciates every word.

Putting space between us, I pull back. I open my mouth to argue when Baron babbles, “Mama,” My gaze moves to my son. He smiles up at me. So sweet and innocent, unaware of the tension between his parents. My chest constricts, and tears prick my eyes. I wish I could give my son the family unit he deserves. I wish I could go back and make it so Bishop never left. But I can’t. What’s done is done. All I can do is move forward as best as I can.

“I will go grab his juice,” I mumble, scrambling off the couch. I don’t miss Bishop’s frown or the hurt flashing in his eyes. I want to run into his arms and tell him everything will work out and be fine. But I must remember the hurt and pain he caused me. Remember the nights I couldn’t sleep. The days I struggled to eat because of what he did. And with that in mind, I straighten my shoulders and stalk out of the lounge.

* * *

“So how is it going with Bishop?” my sister asks through the screen. She is currently in London, preparing to compete at The London International Horse Show. It finishes just before Christmas, and then she and Theo will fly to New York to join us for the holidays in my parents’ Hamptons home. I can’t wait to have her back. I miss my sister. My best friend.

I sigh, falling back onto my pillow. “Okay. He is amazing with Baron. It’s only been a few days, but Baron knows him. You should see the way his face lights up when he sees Bishop.”

Thalia smiles. “That’s great, sis. I am happy for my beautiful nephew. Now what about you?”

“What do you mean,what about me?” I mimic her voice.

Thalia rolls her eyes. “You know perfectly well what I am talking about. How are things with you and Bishop?”

I squeeze my eyes closed, then exhale before I say my next words. They feel like a lie by even thinking them. “There is no me and Bishop. He may think differently, but I can’t go there with him again. I know the destruction he is capable of. I just want us both to focus on Baron. We are amicable, but as far as anything else goes…” I trail off as emotion builds in my throat. “I just can’t put myself through that again.”

Thalia’s eyes soften, and she sighs. “It’s okay to feel scared. Actually, I know exactly how that feels. Do you think it was easy to move on with Theo after everything? I know our situation is different because you have Baron to think about, but just remember, sometimes the risk is worth the fall. Sometimes everything works out how it’s supposed to. What Bishop did was shitty, but I think he had good intentions as to why he did what he did. He said as much that day. I saw the pain in his eyes. He didn’t want to leave.”