Page 20 of Inevitable

“I see that,” Bishop replies, trying to keep the bite out of his tone, but I hear it. What is his problem? “I wish I had known sooner. I hate that I have missed so much time.”

Mama glances at me, and sensing the tension, she changes the subject. “Where are you living now?”

“Vegas. Although that is going to change as soon as I can sort a few things out.” Vegas. He has been in Vegas all this time? I want to ask him what’s in Vegas, but I keep my mouth shut.

“Do you have plans for the holidays? Baron’s birthday is coming up, and I am sure he would love to have you here.” Mama changes the subject again, giving me whiplash. My head snaps to hers. I glare and give her awhat-are-you-doinglook.She shakes her head, a look in her eyes that saystrust-me.

Bishop looks at us, his mouth open in…shock? He didn’t expect the offer. I didn’t either. Glancing at me quickly, his eyes go back to my mom. “I wouldn’t miss my son’s birthday for anything. Thank you, Mrs. Maxwell.” He beams at her.

“No thanks necessary.” She shifts off her stool. “I have some things to do. I will leave you two to it.” She grabs my hand and squeezes in a comforting gesture before sauntering out of the room.

“I don’t have to come for the holidays if it makes you uncomfortable, but I would like to be here for his birthday.” Bishop's gaze bores into mine.

I wave him off. “It’s fine. The more the merrier. It will be good for Baron.” I force a smile. I want Bishop to be involved with Baron but spending Christmas day with him may just be too much. I can already feel my walls crumbling after a couple of hours of watching him with my son. I have always been the one in control when it came to my past flings and men. I never let any of the others close enough to hurt me. With Bishop, things were different. I let him in, and it caused me pain. He took my heart and trampled all over it, nearly breaking me in the process, and I don’t want to risk that happening again.

Shaking the thoughts away, I sigh as I remember why I am doing this. Baron having his father in his life is more important than my feelings. I just hope he sticks around and doesn’t let our son down like he let me down.



“When are you coming back to Nevada, Xander? The Parkes are waiting to announce the engagement, and they would like to organize a party to do that,” my father drawls down the phone, ruining my good mood.

I clench my jaw, so as not to snap at him about my fucking name and the mention of the Parkes girl. If I do, he will know something is up. I can’t have him looking deeper into anything in New York. “Ryker and I have some business to wrap up, and then we will be on a flight home. I would say another couple of days.”

There is a long pause on the line. I almost think the call has cut off, and then he speaks. “And what is thisbusinessyou are taking care of?” The way he says business makes my spine snap straight, and I don’t miss the suspicion in his tone. I may hate my father, but he is a smart motherfucker, I will give him that.

“Some real estate we want to buy. I know the brotherhood’s interests are mainly in hotels and casinos, but we are thinking of branching out a little.” The lie rolls easily off my tongue. Not that it’s all a lie. Ryker has been looking into business while here, and although I am somewhat involved, I am in New York for two reasons and two reasons only.

My woman and my son.

“Hmm, well I expect a full report when you get back.” It’s not a question. He will require every little detail. Good job Ryker has that all in hand.

“Of course,” I say what I know he wants to hear.

“And Xander?”

“Yes?” I sigh.

“I expect you to be on your best behavior with the Parkes girl. We need this union.” Before he can say anything else, I end the call. Fucking asshole.

Jesus, I hate him.

Scrolling down to Ryker’s number, I hit call. I need to find out where he is now that I have finished my afternoon with my family.

“You finished?” he says by way of greeting.

I run my free hand through my hair and start in the direction of our hotel. “Yeah. Where are you?”

“Making my way to the hotel.” He pauses. “How did it go?”

I smile despite the way I am feeling after my conversation with Calvin. “Amazing. I will tell you when I see you.” I end the call. Ryker will understand that I am not about to talk about my son in the open where anyone could be listening. Pushing my cell into my pocket, I make my way back to the hotel to catch up with my friend.

* * *

“So, it went well?” Ryker asks as I take a seat next to him on the couch.

I grin, leaning my head back. “Yeah. My son is amazing.” I chuckle. “It’s crazy to even say those words...” I trail off with a frown. I still can’t believe I am a father. “Seeing him, it made it all real. He looks just like me, Ryk.” My breath catches when I remember my little mini-me.