Page 17 of Inevitable

I stare at the soft toy, personalized with his name that I picked up at some fancy department store, before shoving it into my coat pocket.

“Jesus, would you stop? You are going to walk a hole in that carpet if you don’t stop pacing,” Ryker drawls from his position on the couch as he taps away on his laptop.

Pausing, I glare at him. “I am about to meet my son. This is a big fucking deal,” I growl.

Looking up from the screen, he leans back on the couch and eyes me. “I get that, but come on, Bishop. It’s a baby. How scary can it be?”

Shaking my head, I continue my pacing. “Trust me, this is probably the scariest thing I have done in my life.” I run a hand through my hair. “He’s my son, Ryker. What if he hates me?”

Ryker chuckles, making me glower at him. “Bishop, man, he won’t hate you. I doubt he will even understand what is going on.”

I think about his words. That may be true but still. This is a big deal. Baron is half of me and half of the woman I love. The most precious thing between us. I need to get this right. Not just for his sake but also for Aria’s. She may not trust me, and she has every right to be cautious, but I will prove to them both that I want this. Want them.

“Right, let’s go. You need to be on alert so I can get to Aria’s building without anyone seeing me.” My voice sounds strained even to my own ears.

Ryker places his laptop on the coffee table and pushes to a stand. “If it helps, I don’t think your father sent anyone. They would have made themselves known by now.”

“Still, I want to be discreet. I will not risk either of them.” If there is even the smallest chance that Calvin Hastings sent men to trail me, then I want to be ready for it.

After pulling on his sneakers and a coat, Ryker strides to the door. “Come on then. Let’s go.”

Trailing after him, we exit our penthouse, making our way to the elevator. Ryker pushes the button, and within seconds, it dings, the door opening. Stepping inside, Ryker hits the button for the lobby. We stand in silence for a long beat before my friend speaks. “For what it’s worth, I think you will be a great father.”

My lips curve into a smile, despite the way I am feeling. “Thanks.”

The elevator comes to a stop, and we step out in the next second. Before we move toward the exit, we scan the area, something that is drilled into us because of who we are. Not finding anything suspicious, we make our way outside and do the same, scanning the streets for any threats.

“I think it’s clear. Let’s go in the direction of Aria’s apartment, and when we find a big enough crowd to get lost in, I will trail off one way, and you continue to your destination.”

“Sounds like a plan,” I murmur before we start in the direction of the Upper East Side.

* * *

My heart races in anticipation of what is about to happen and also because I am searching my surroundings for anyone that might be following me. Coming up clear, I pull the door open to the Maxwells apartment building—a place I am familiar with but have not been to in a long time—and step inside, only to pause when I find three sets of eyes on me, all different from the faces that worked here when I was Aria’s guard. The biggest one—the security guard, I assume—steps forward. “Can I help you, sir?”

I flash an easy smile. “Yes, I am here to see Aria Maxwell. My name is Bishop. I should be on the visitors list.”

He eyes me for a long beat before turning and striding to the desk. He speaks in a hushed tone as he talks to the lady at reception. She picks up the phone, no doubt calling up to the penthouse. I am proven right when her voice sounds. “Mr. Maxwell, I have a Mr. Bishop here for Miss Maxwell.” She hums, nodding before ending the call and looking at me. “You can go up. Hit the button for the penthouse inside the elevator.”

“Thank you,” I say before striding to the elevator and stepping inside. I hit the button for the penthouse, then lean against the wall, taking a deep breath. This is it. In only minutes, I will meet my son. My heart rate kicks up, and I swear I feel a drop of sweat trickle down my spine despite not being warm.


I scrub a palm down my face. I have been anxious all morning, but I feel like I am on the verge of a panic attack right now. This is so unlike me. I don’t know why I am feeling this way. I am normally cool, calm, and collected in every aspect of my life, but something about this has set me on edge. Not enough to walk away. But still.Jesus.I have never felt so apprehensive in my life.

I know I spoke too soon when the elevator comes to a stop, and the doors slide open. My breaths come out fast as my hands turn clammy. What the hell? I need to get my shit together.

Stepping outside, I inhale then exhale as I eye the door like it personally offends me.Get yourself together. He is a child. Your child. You can do this,I chant in my head. Blowing out one last breath, I move toward the door, only to startle when it is pulled open, and Mr. Maxwell appears.Fuck.I knew I would have to face him at some point, but I didn’t think it would be right now.

His face is void of emotion as he meets my gaze. He clears his throat. “Bishop,” he greets, his voice hard. Christian Maxwell has always been an intimidating man. I suppose to get to where he is in life, you have to be. But I have never feared him. Until now. His stance is protective, like he is ready for battle, and the way he is looking at me… well, let me just say it has me sweating more than I already was.

He has every right to hate me after I betrayed his trust. Not only by sleeping with his daughter while I was being paid to guard her but also by disappearing and leaving her to deal with a pregnancy—not that I was aware my princess was pregnant.

“Mr. Maxwell,” I return, stepping up to him and holding out my hand for him to shake. He takes it, much to my surprise and gives me a firm shake.

“I do want to talk with you at some point, Bishop. But it can wait. Today is about you meeting your son, and I won’t take that away from you. Though, please keep in mind, we will be sitting down in my office and discussing things.” His tone leaves no room for argument.

I nod. “Of course.”