Page 14 of Inevitable

Princess: Sure. I will see you tomorrow.

I stare at her name on my cell, a smile curving my lips.

I will get my family back, even if it’s the last thing I do.



After pulling on some yoga pants, a knit sweater, and sneakers, I check myself out in the mirror. I don’t know why I do; I shouldn’t care what I look like. I am not meeting Bishop for me; I am doing it for my son. Though, I will admit that there is a small part of me that wants to make him see what he walked away from. I know pregnancy has made me curvier, but I know I still look good.

When Bishop appeared in that bathroom yesterday—to say I was shocked to see him is an understatement. After the surprise had subsided, I was a mix of emotions. Anger being the predominant one. But then, there was that jolt of electricity and lust that always happened when he was near. That infuriated me further. I don’t want to feel this way about Bishop, someone who let me down and will disappear when it suits him. But I also can’t just switch my feelings off. I was so in love with him, still am, if I am being truthful, and when he left, it destroyed me. As much as I know I need to keep him at a distance, seeing him again lit something inside me that I haven’t felt since before he left. I let out a harsh sigh just as there is a light knock on my bedroom door.

Spinning, I find my mama with Baron in her arms, a small smile on her face. She is aware of where I am going and who I am meeting today. I told her as soon as I got home yesterday. I don’t want there to be any secrets between my parents and me—been there, done that—and if Bishop wants to be a part of our lives, everyone needs to accept it. For Baron’s sake.

“You look nice, tesoro.” She shoots me a knowing look.

I roll my eyes and move toward them. “I am in comfy wear, Mama. I haven’t dressed up.” Holding my arms out, I take Baron from her and nuzzle his neck. “Did you just wake up from your nap, bambino mio?” I coo as his hand goes to my hair, and he pulls at the dark strands. I wince and maneuver him so I can pull out of his hold. Holding him out in front of me, I can’t help the grin that curves my lips when he reaches out for my hair again. Dropping a kiss on his forehead, I say, “No, baby. Mama doesn’t like you pulling her hair.” He babbles something incoherent, making me chuckle before I look at Mama. “Are you okay to make sure he has lunch? I need to get going.”

She reaches out, making grabby hands at me, so I hand him back to her. “Of course. Are you sure you don’t want to take him with you?” She cocks a questioning brow.

I shake my head. “No. I need to know that he is serious and set some ground rules if we are going to do this. I won’t have him doing to our son what he did to me.”

“I get it, sweetheart. I do. You have every right to be cautious. I just think if he wasn’t serious, he never would have reached out to you,” Mama murmurs.

Emotion clogs my throat as I think about the situation and the fact that my son is going to meet his father at some point. But I need to stand firm on this and make sure Bishop does want to be in Baron’s life and that this is not just a phase because he saw a picture. Being a father is no joke. I need to be sure that he won’t just abandon his son. “I know, Mama, but I need to be sure. I will never stop him being a father, but I need to know he is going to do right by our son.”

Her eyes soften, and she nods. “You are a great mama, sweetheart. My grandson is lucky to have you.”

I chuckle. “You have to say that because I am your daughter.”

We start down the hallway. I need to get my coat on and message Edward that I am ready to leave. “No, I don’t, honey. You are an amazing mother. It’s obvious you still have feelings… for he who shall not be named, and the fact you are putting Baron first shows me more than you can say. You are pushing aside your own feelings to make sure he is comfortable and happy. That makes you a great mother, sweetheart.”

My eyes snap to my mama. I start to shake my head, but she shoots me a look that tells me not to deny it. My chest constricts almost painfully. I know she is right. But I didn’t think I had been that obvious. Ignoring her comment, I pull my cell out of my purse and shoot a text to Edward, telling him I will be in the lobby in five minutes.

“I better go.” I jerk my thumb to the front door.

Mama smiles, leaning in and dropping a kiss to my hair. “It will be fine, darling. I have a good feeling about all this.”

I pull back, giving her a curt nod before pressing a kiss to my son. “Be good, baby. Mama will be home soon.” Baron beams at me, making some of the anxiety release from my body.

Blowing out a breath, I pull open the door.

Time to get this over with.

* * *

Edward and I walk to the spot Bishop wanted to meet.

Our spot.

The little hidden gem that is the Carl Schurz Park is around a twenty-five-minute walk from my apartment building. We used to go here a lot in our early days of dating. We could hide in plain sight but act like a normal couple. Every time we walked here, I would get butterflies in my stomach, and it’s no different now. If it’s possible, they are fluttering around harder. I hate and love them in equal measure. I groan. Why can’t I just hate him?

Coming up to the entryway that leads to a little round courtyard with several benches and is probably the most hidden part of the park, I pause. I feel Edward’s eyes drill into the side of my head, but all I can focus on is the steps that will lead to Bishop. My heart rate kicks up, and panic takes over. Edward, sensing that I am panicking, grips my shoulders and turns me to face him.

“Breathe, Aria,” he says softly. I stare into his kind eyes. He takes a deep breath before releasing it, a technique to help relax me, and within less than a minute, I do feel a little calmer. Edward smiles and releases me. “See? You are okay. You’ve got this.”

I snort out a laugh, shaking my head. I don’t feel like I’ve got this, but I need to remind myself why I am doing it. For my son. The most important person in my life. “Thank you, Edward. You really are the best.” I turn to face the entrance. “Let’s get this over with,” I mutter and stride toward the spot I know I will find my baby daddy, Edward hot on my heels.