Page 10 of Wrong Desires

Her lip wobbles, and I almost feel guilty for putting her in this position. Almost. I don’t feel guilty. Not one bit. I knew what I was doing when I switched her pills. I wanted this. And I know as much as Aspen was against the idea, she will come to terms with our situation and want it just the same. I will never tell her what I did. No way. I don’t want her hate. I just want her. She will never know the truth of this conception. Never.

“Why do you have a pregnancy test in your nightstand?” I don’t miss the accusation in her voice.

I shrug. “Just happened to buy one the other day.”

“Why?” she demands.

“It doesn’t matter why little lamb. What matters is finding out if you are carrying my baby.”

She rolls her eyes. “You are incorrigible. Even if I am pregnant doesn’t mean I will keep it.”

I see red. My hand tightens around the packet, crushing it. “Don’t you dare say that. Ever again. If you are pregnant, you will keep it. There is no other choice.”

“You don’t get to make those decisions for me. You are not God, Ethan. What do you think my family will say? Katrina? Don’t you care about any of that? I am too young for a child.”

Over her dramatics and not acknowledging her words, I pull her into me. Pushing off the bed, I carry her to the toilet and drop her down on top of it. I hold out the box to her.

“Take the test.” My tone leaves no room for argument, and she huffs. I almost smile at her little tantrum, but I bite it down, wanting her to see how serious I am right now.

“A little privacy, please.”

I glare at her. “I have seen every inch of your body, Aspen; up close and personal, I might add. I have had my tongue, cock, and fingers in every one of your holes. I think I am good watching you take a pee.”

She shoots me a look but does as I say. Opening the test, she pulls it out and looks over it like it personally offends her.

“You just pee on that end.” I point to the end of the stick she needs to urinate on. By this point, I am an expert on how they work and have read the instructions repeatedly. Pulling her panties down, she sits on the toilet and holds the stick beneath her. I watch, fixated on what she is doing. In a few minutes, we will know if my seed has taken root. Excitement courses through me, and visions of her belly growing flash in my mind. My dick hardens in my pants at the thought of her swollen belly.

Just then, there is a knock at the door. Irritation courses through me that it dragged me out of my thoughts, but I bet it will be Aspen’s soup. “That will be your food.”

She nods, wiping herself as she finishes. I take the stick from her and lay it on the side before making my way to the door. I smile to myself as I think of the test and hopefully a positive result.

Grabbing the knob, I pull the door open, only to freeze. The smile drops off my face, and I scowl. Just what I fucking need. She would have to come here now and try to ruin things with my little lamb and me.

“Aren’t you going to invite me in?” Katrina purrs.

“No. I’m kind of busy right now, Katrina. What are you doing here?” I say impatiently, wanting to get back to Aspen.

Her smile falls as her eyes narrow on me. “I can’t find Aspen. I came to surprise her with a visit, and she isn’t in her apartment.”

Fuck. Why is she visiting her? Katrina has never been close to her niece in all the years I have known her. “And what makes…” I get cut off when Katrina’s gaze goes over my shoulder, her eyes narrowing further as her brows cinch in confusion. I turn to look at who I know is Aspen. She stumbles towards me, all disorientated, pregnancy test in hand. She hasn’t noticed her aunt; she is so out of it. I spin and rush towards her, grabbing her and the test before she falls.

“Ethan,” she whimpers. I glance at the test, finding the cause of her hysteria.


A smile curves my lips. My little lamb is pregnant with my baby. I am so caught up in my happiness I forget about my ex-wife behind me.

“What the fuck?” Katrina screeches. Aspen freezes in my arms, her face paling as she realises who is here.

She pulls out of my arms and straightens. “Aunt Katrina?” she asks like she can’t quite believe it’s her and is making sure she is real.

Katrina’s eyes go from Aspen to me to the pregnancy test in my hand.

“You,” she points at me. “And Aspen.” She swallows, her face turning into disgust.

“Yes, Katrina. Aspen and I are together and are having a baby.” I say confidently. My ex is not going to put a dampener on our happy news.

“What? No. Wait, aunt, I can explain.” Aspen blurts, the panic in her voice making my chest tighten.