Page 98 of Malachi

“Probably because I copped that one, too,” I shared, shutting off the engine and stepping out of the SUV.

“You copped what?” Portland questioned, rounding his whip with the quickness.

“That Wagon.”

“For who?”

“You’re about to meet her.”

“I knew this nigga hadn’t cut off that fucking forest for shit,” he whispered, walking into the establishment behind me.

I didn’t have to search for her. I could feel her. My heart led me right to the table where Aeir and Jae sat, discussing the very thing I was going to avoid discussing with Portland.

“It still freaks me out, Jae, but I enjoy seeing their life together. It shows me that true love ex… Ma-Malachi,” she stammered.

“Aeir. Jae.”

“You’re out…again,” she emphasized with a nervous chuckle.

“Again,” I confirmed, taking a seat across from her. “This is Portland. Portland, this is Aeir and Jae.”

“Baby,” she squealed, finally taking note of my altered appearance. “Your… your hair. Malachiiiiiii.”

Filled with utter gratification, I grabbed her free hand and brought it to my side of the table. I leaned forward and rested her palm against my face. Gently, she brushed it against the smoothness. Shortly after, her finger tips replaced it as she followed along my hairline.

“Baby, oh my God.”

“I take it as you like it.”

“I do. I love it.”

I love y—the thought ceased as quickly as it had sparked. Closing my eyes, I shook off the dizziness it caused.

“It was time to shake back.”

“Okaaaay,” Jae added. “The comeback is always the best part. I wish you nothing but the best on your journey.”

She lifted her drink in the air. “Cheers to you, Malachi.”

“Jae, is that right?” Portland inquired.

“Yes. Portland, correct?”

“Yeah. Portland.”

He’d been deemed speechless from the moment we walked up on the two girls and it wasn’t solely due to Aeir’s presence in my life or her resemblance to Anna. It was because of the woman sitting across from him. His interest was apparent, but his current situation wouldn’t allow him to go beyond that point or cross any lines.

“Nice to meet you, Portland.”

“What are you drinking? I’m going to get you another one and order myself something, too.”

“My drinks and food are already paid for. Thanks Malachi,” she said with a wink, “But, my number is free for now. The offer will run out soon.”

“In that case, can I take it and redeem my coupon when life isn’t as complicated as it is at the moment?”

“Sure, but I can’t guarantee the prize will still be available at the time of redemption.”
