Page 96 of Malachi

Bottles of water lined the fridge, courtesy of Aeir. I’d stolen the case from the back of the truck after taking it for a spin yesterday to handle business in the city. She’d left it inside with plans of returning, but had forgotten. The second she loaded a fresh case in her new whip, I was certain she’d remember.

“Arghhhh.” Grunting, I slammed the fridge before finishing off the rest of the water.

A long shower and an even longer nap were in my near future. I grabbed a towel from the load that I’d washed the day prior and made my way into the bathroom. As I passed the mirror, my side profile halted my movement.

Hair covered the majority of my face. My line was nonexistent. The fade I once wore had grown into untamed locs that formed from lack of maintenance, not because they were intentionally created.

My reflection revealed a man that I didn’t recognize anymore. Buried underneath the thick, wool coat, I yearned for visibility. Not just for me, but for Aeir, too. I felt better with each passing day. It was time to look the part.

I opened the medicine cabinet where I concealed my grooming tools. They hadn’t been used since I’d packed them up and brought them to the homestead. With any luck, they’d still power up and get the job done.

I lined everything up on the counter, from the alcohol to the brushes for each of the clippers I’d be using. Everything received a thorough cleaning, including my face. Before tackling the forest of hair I’d grown, I searched YouTube for a decent playlist that would get me through the journey ahead.

I started with the scissors, getting rid of the locked hair that was piled on top of my head. From there, I began hacking away at the buildup, not stopping until I recognized the man staring back at me. I felt a hundred pounds lighter. My load was lessened and my burdens shrunk in size.


Underneath the layers and layers of neglect, there was someone I once loved and cherished. Underneath the layers was a father, a brother, a grandson, a boyfriend, and a man who’d lost his wife but understood that he didn’t have to lose his, too. Underneath the layers was Malachi.

I removed the shirt I’d had on, making an even bigger mess on the floor. Anxious to shower and wash the itchiness of my skin away, I made a promise to clean it up after. It could all wait. For the moment, I needed to clear my head and there was no better way than a shower since Aeir wasn’t around for me to fall into her pussy until I felt better.

The water’s temperature changed as I twisted the thermostat. Once it was at a decent degree, I stepped out of my shorts and discarded them. Thanks to a loose cable in the yard, they were split down the side. Their days had come to an end, though they’d served me well over the last two years.

I stepped into the steam, allowing the water to massage my skin. The warmth was inviting, suggesting I release all I was holding onto before I left its confinement. I agreed for the most part, closing my eyes and resting my hands against the shower wall. Anna’s pretty face appeared behind my lids.

“Mal,” she whispered, cupping my chin and smiling widely.

“Anna, my love,” I choked out.


“I miss you, every day.”

“But I’m here. I’ll always be here.”

“I met a girl,” I admitted. “But my love for you will never change.”

“I know, Malachi. And it doesn’t have to.”

“She’s so fucking amazing, Anna. She’s so patient. She’s so kind. She’s gentle. She’s considerate. She’s a homemaker. She believes in me and I hardly believe in my-damn-self. She’s just—”

“I know. I know. I know.”

She wrapped her arms around me, rubbing circles around my back as I wept in her bosom.

“I don’t want to forget you.”

“You won’t. You can’t. She won’t let you and neither will our daughter.”

“I still love you.”

“Your heart is big enough for the both of us. You’ll always love me. I’ll always love you, but I’m ready to rest now. I’m tired, Malachi.”

Confused by her words, I called out to her for understanding.


Before I was able to finish, her grip loosened and she evaporated into thin air. I opened my eyes, blinking away the tears that blended with the water.