Page 90 of Malachi

“You look… amazing.”

Spinning slowly, I gave him a full view. The gown I wore was a subtle addition to my wardrobe. The diamonds that kept my wrist and neck cool were the key to the ensemble. Absentmindedly, I touched the necklace that rested against my chest as my twirl ended.

“So do you.”

“I’ve missed you all day, Ms. Rothshire.”

“Have you?”

I stood with my chest out and my head up, digesting the man before me. He was regal. He was rare. He was royalty. It was a blessing to be in his presence.


“I’ve missed you, too, Mr. Domino. Enjoying the smoothness of the ride all day made it hurt a little less.”

“I’m happy to hear that you like your new set of wheels.”

“I love them and all of this.” I rubbed the new jewels that he’d added to my collection.

“My heart is content with that knowledge.”

“The answer to your question… It’s yes.”

“Hm?” he asked, brows furrowing in confusion.

“Yes to figuring out forever together. Yes to taking a chance. Yes to you being my man.”

“Yes?” His tilted head and blooming eyes brought a smile to my lips.

“Yes.” I nodded.

“Good, because a nigga was planning to wear you down if you’d said no. Come ’er.”

His arms snaked around my body, squeezing me tightly as he sighed into my ear.

“Wear me down?”

“Until you told me yes. Just like you’ve worn me down over the last few weeks, not giving up on me like I’d given up on myself, clearing my vision and helping me make the best decision I’ve made in the last two years. Thank you, Aeir.”

“It’s been a pleasure, Malachi. The good and the ugly.”

“I’m starving, baby,” he admitted, loosening his grip and releasing me slowly.

“So am I.”

Our palms joined as he opened the door of the greenhouse, leading us inside. A wooden table I’d never seen before sat in the very middle, decorated with string lights, white roses, and a record player that sat off to the side.

Silver domes topped the plates full of food that hadn’t been prepared by either Malachi or me.


“Yes. Had there been more hours in the day, I would’ve prepared it myself.”

“You deserve to rest, Malachi. Guilt should have no place in your heart for prioritizing yourself today.”

“You first.”

I sat in the chair designated for me, tucking my dress under my butt so that it wouldn’t snag in the process. Malachi joined me, having a seat directly across from me. We shared gazes and joined hands before bowing our heads.