Page 86 of Malachi


“Now,” she said while swallowing. “You have no other choice but to join me.”

Parched now, I responded with a dryness that nearly choked me.

“I said I would, Aeir.”

“But, you hadn’t planned to.”

She’d called my bluff. Her discovery wasn’t at all surprising. Her ability revealed something for me. She was learning me, inside out. That would never be an issue.

I swallowed hard, re-wetting my throat to save my life. Otherwise, I’d die of dehydration and dryness of the throat.

“You first,” she insisted.

One foot after the other, I stepped into the tub. The extension of my arm assisted Aeir inside. Together, we lowered until our asses touched the porcelain beneath the water. Her head rested on my chest. Our fingers intertwined, resting on her thighs as the calm of the moment lulled us both.


My frame stretcheduntil popping bones sounded in the silence of the bedroom. Sunlight welcomed me to the world, again, signaling the new day and another fresh start. The coolness of the sheets beside me was a painful indicator that Malachi was no longer lying with me.

I maneuvered in bed, ending with my eyes on the emptiness. A piece of paper rested on his pillow. Reaching forward, I confiscated the letter, stopping it right in front of my face so that my blurred vision could read the words much better.


I’ve gone to the city.

The first linehe’d written swelled my heart and exposed my teeth through a smile. Going to the city meant Malachi was progressing in ways I’d only dreamed of.

I’ll be back in a few hours. I have a few stops to make. This gives you an abundance of time to pamper yourself and prepare for our first date. We’re having dinner in the greenhouse. There’s something special waiting for you outside. After you’ve had breakfast, take a look.

I was reminded, after my departure, of a mistake I made many weeks ago. The phone that I forbade you call again, I’ve gotten rid of it. There’s no purpose of having it if you can’t contact me on it, huh? The wireless store is my first stop. I’ll call you when I have a new line.

In the meantime, miss me because I’m surely missing you. I’m saddened, considering the many hours between our reunion. Nevertheless, I’m looking forward to dinner tonight. Be on location at eight. See you soon, baby.

P.S. Remember to put on something I can peel off.


I heldthe letter to my chest as I swooned. My cheeks burned and body pricked all over. Visions of Malachi replayed in my head. I missed him dearly, though he’d only been gone a short period of time. The yearning led me out of bed in anticipation of our night. My uncoated toes touched the cold floor beneath me.

I crept into the bathroom, cringing as the even colder tiles were traded for the wooden planks. Hygiene was first on the list of the day’s tasks. I emptied my bladder, brushed my teeth, washed my face, and finger-combed my hair to untangle the fussy curls my bath with Malachi had summoned.

Only because his note insisted, I began with breakfast. Two boiled eggs and a smoothie was enough to satisfy my appetite. As the eggs danced around the pot, I piled ice, fruit, spinach, oats, honey, and a splash of goat’s milk in their blender.

Alone at the table with seasoning drizzled on my eggs and Malachi’s computer in front of me, I began building the brand board that had come to me in my sleep. Everything was syncing effortlessly, leaving me in awe at what was coming of a brand I’d put on the back burner until nearly losing my life and meeting a man who knew just how short life was. It was almost funny, the way God’s timing was always perfect.

Alright, Aeir, I preached, forcing myself out of the seat and off the computer nearly an hour later. Time had gotten beside me as I got lost in the intricacy of my brand’s aesthetic. When I finally put my dishes away, I grabbed my phone and headed out of the door, sure to remember the code that Malachi had given me in case I needed to return at any point and he was unable to get the door or was out in the fields. He never mentioned the city because his plans to return simply weren’t on his heart, yet.

In just a few days, that had changed, and my gratitude was overwhelming. High on his rehabilitation, I sauntered out into the yard. The big red bow that danced in the wind halted all movement. Looking around, from one side to the other, I waited to wake from my dream or be shaken out of a vision. Seconds elapsed before I concluded this wasn’t a dream and this wasn’t a vision. This was life, my life.

“Ma-Malachi,” I gasped.

My hands gravitated to my mouth, my cheeks, my eyes, and then my hair. Blurriness surrounded me, but the new olive G-Wagon that sat in front of me was as bold as it was clear in my line of vision. It resembled the one I’d been driving all along, but the olive was deeper and much richer. Instead of a shiny coat, this one was matte.

“My God.”

The details were unbelievable. From the shiny wheels to the roof, I was head over heels. I circled the large vehicle to find tags that brought tears to my eyes and joy to my heart. Chuckling, I wiped away the saltiness.