Page 112 of Malachi


I beat my knuckles against the door before putting the code in and stepping inside without Aeir’s permission. If she wanted to keep me out, she’d eventually have to change the code. I was certain she wouldn’t, but the idea itself was disturbing. I wanted access to the two of them all hours of the day, even when lessons were in progress.

Aeir peered in my direction, taking a second to look up from the sheet of paper she and Aeir were both focused on. With a shake of the head, she closed her eyes and got right back to work. It wasn’t until Aussie jumped from her seat and ran toward me, screaming, that she gave me her undivided attention.



She ran right past me. I didn’t have to turn around to know what was going on behind me. He had her upside down, tickling her tummy. It was the same thing with the two of them. It was their way of greeting one another, like a secret handshake for most.

“Malachi,” she sighed. “What are you doing here? I thought we talked about this?”

“We did, but we agreed on special circumstances.”

“What are the special circumstances?”

I stopped in front of her, looping my arm around her waist before turning slightly to expose the two behind me.

“Hank is here.”

Tensing slightly, Aeir tried moving my arm.

“Don’t be that way.”

“I just got her into her groove, baby. I just don’t want her lesson to be interrupted. It’s only the first day. We’re trying to establish a rhythm here and we almost had one.”

“I’m sorry, okay? I promise to stay away from now on. Hank wanted to see her and I didn’t want him to leave without making that happen.”

“Okay, Malachi, but please respect our hours in this classroom. It’s the only way she’ll learn and take school seriously. When I’m in this room, I’m not her mother and I’m not your woman. I’m a teacher. I’m Ms. Rothshire.”

“Alright. Alright. But don’t get too comfortable with that last name. I’m ’bout ready to change it.”

“I’ve lived with it all my life. I can stand it for another few months. I’m in no rush. Take your time, Malachi. I’m here.”

“I know and that’s why I love you.”

“Aeir, is it?” Hank stepped forward and extended his hand.



Aeir reached out to shake his hand, but was caught by a sharp pain that we all witnessed. Clutching the side of her head with her right hand, she took his hand into her left.

“Are you okay?”

“Yes, Malachi. I’ll be fine. I feel like I have a migraine coming on. Sorry, Hank. It’s nice meeting you.”

“Same to you.”

“If you don’t mind, I’d like to get back to my lesson. You and Malachi are excused.”

“Oh, she’s serious business. Okay. You sure know how to pick ’em, nigga.”

He referred to Anna and her knack for getting on his case. She loved him dearly, but she was forever on his ass and making sure he was on the straight and narrow. She saw him as a brother and simply wanted the best for him and everyone else we loved. When they were out of line, she was sure to check them as nasty and as nasty as only Anna could.

“You sure you don’t want to lay down?”