“I hate I missed your pregnancy.” I trace her C-section scar. “Was it difficult?”
She nods as she rubs the loofah between her hands to have the suds grow. “It was. They were twisted in the umbilical cord, and they rushed me to surgery.”
“And you were alone,” I state, bitterness reeking on my breath.
“I was, but I was okay. My neighbor helped me out a lot. Louisa. She was amazing. If it weren’t for her, the first month would have been a nightmare.”
“I’ll have to thank Louisa myself one of these days. For taking care of you when I couldn’t.” I spin her to me, the slickness of her body gliding against mine.
She smiles, and I can’t help myself; I lean in and take what’s mine. I push her against the glass part of the stall, and she giggles, pushing me away.
“We have breakfast to attend to, Luca.”
“Damn, that’s right.” I turn the water to cold to help dampen my lust, and she screams, stepping out of the shower.
“That’s freezing!”
“Well, I have to calm down. You’re getting me all worked up again. Blame yourself for making me constantly want you,” I tease her, washing my face under the water.
“I do,” she sasses, exiting the bathroom to get dressed.
I don’t take long. I wash quickly, step out, grab a towel, and dry off. When I’m done, I wrap the towel around my waist and head to the walk-in closet each of us has.
My closet is to the right, hers to the left. I can see her staring at everything, her mouth wide open when she sees all the clothes I’ve bought for her.
She has everything she’ll ever need. Shirts, blouses, shoes, jewelry, pants, dresses, pajamas, and purses. If there is anything else she needs, I hope she comes to me.
“This is too much.” Her hands graze the clothes on the hangers, appreciating all of the name-brand items I’ve gotten her. “These are so expensive, Luca. I can’t accept this.”
“You deserve every single thing this world has to offer, and I’ll always make sure you get them. You deserve this. You’ve done your time. You’ve sacrificed enough. I’m going to give you everything you’ve always wanted, everything you’ve always dreamed about, and I’m going to make sure you want nothing.” I wipe off my towel and pick a pair of sweatpants, something I haven’t worn in a while, but I think I want a lazy day today with my family.
My. Family.
My kids.
I want to get to know them. The last thing I want to do today is work. I have men to do that for me.
“Thank you,” she whispers, staring at a gorgeous emerald gown that has real emerald gems sewn into the neckline. “Wow. What is this for?”
“In my line of work, there’s always some sort of charity, ball, or gala to attend. It’s a good way to know who is who in the world of crime. I can’t wait to see you in that dress.” I tug on a plain blue t-shirt. “And I can’t wait to fuck you in it.”
“I guess you better get me in that dress soon, then,” she says, dropping the towel from her body and giving me the view men dream about.
She puts on a pair of leggings, the material sucking to the curve of her body, and I grab the trim above the door with my hands, leaning in as I watch her dress.
Next is a comfortable bra, then a gray tank top.
She’s all covered now, and I still want her more than my next breath.
“Come on, let’s go see what the kids want.” She begins to walk out of the closet, and I snag her around the waist.
I kiss her cheek. “I mean what I say. I’m so happy those kids are mine, Camilla. You’ve brought me so much happiness.”
“I’m happy we ended up finding each other again.” She takes my hand and tugs me toward the bedroom door. “Now, let’s go see what our kids want.”
I smile, more eager than I have ever been before. “I can’t wait.”
“You say that, but don’t be surprised if your kitchen is wrecked. That’s what happens when kids wake up before you. You never know what you’ll find.”