A paramedic is holding gauze to her face, and the white of it is turning red.
“She definitely has a possible concussion. We need to take you to the hospital, ma’am.”
“Cora, what happened? Are you okay?” I take her hand and gasp in horror when he pulls the gauze away from her head. There’s a giant cut. It’s red and takes up the majority of the left side of her face. Her left eye is turning a shade of purple, and there’s a fresh wrap on her arm.
“Yeah, I don’t know what happened,” she mumbles, exhausted, and there’s a slight slur to her words. “I was…just at…work,” she speaks slowly, leaning her weight against the side of the ambulance. “Then the windows shattered, and my face caught one of the…bricks that were thrown to break the glass.”
I don’t like how she has to pause when she speaks.
“We need to take her to the hospital. That’s where she’ll be if you need to see her.”
“Okay. Cora, I’m going to be right there, okay? I’ll be right behind you.”
“Okay.” She squeezes my hand before they strap her to the gurney to prepare for transport. “I’m so tired.”
“You need to keep your eyes open, okay? Don’t close them. No matter what,” I tell her just before the doors shut.
“She’ll be okay. I know the best doctor at the hospital. I’ll call him and make sure he is the one who treats her.” Luca wraps me against his side and kisses my temple.
“Thank you.” I already feel better knowing Luca will make sure she gets the best treatment possible.
I turn around to see Taylor running across the street. It’s felt like forever since I have seen him, but all my time has been spent with Luca and the kids.
“Taylor, hey,” I greet him in a side hug, but Luca doesn’t let go of my hand. “Did you see what happened?”
“No, I opened the store late because I had to go check on my mom this morning. What the hell? Is Cora okay? Who would do this?” he asks, taking in the scene of destruction.
“I don’t know, but I plan to find out.” Luca’s cold blue eyes cut to Taylor. “Whoever it was, better make sure I don’t find them because no one fucks with family.”
“You and Cora are related?” Taylor questions, kicking a piece of glass out from under his shoe.
“No, but we’re family because she is Camilla’s best friend, and whoever fucks with anyone Camilla cares about gets to deal with me.”
“I wouldn’t want to be on your bad side. Rumor has it they never find the bodies,” Taylor laughs it off, but Luca remains a statue.
“Those aren’t rumors.”
“Oookay.” Taylor grabs me by the arm and redirects me to the corner of the bakery, away from Luca.
Luca doesn’t take his eyes off me. He watches me like a hawk.
“Does that not bother you? How much he watches you?”
I shake my head. “No. It actually makes me feel safe, something I haven’t felt in a while.” I cross my eyes and readjust my feet, and more glass crunches under my boots.
At this rate, my bakery will never be up and running again. I already miss baking.
“Anyway, what’s going on? If you take too long, Luca will have questions soon.”
Taylor takes a step closer, and I take one back, turning my head to look at Luca, who has shortened the distance between us.
“Do you think this has anything to do with the fortune?”
“Why are you asking? That’s pretty specific, Taylor.”
“I’m asking because I’m worried about you and Cora, your kids. My shop. I think someone broke into my store too. They took something that was very important to me. And I think it’s whoever wants your fortune, so why don’t you just give it to them? If you don’t want it.”