“I don’t know. It’s going to be hard. There’s this side of me that isn’t ready to let them go, but then there’s that other side that won’t mind having a breather. Does that make me a bad parent?”

He snorts in disbelief. “No, that makes you human. Anyone would feel like they would need a break, Camilla. You’re doing great. Don’t let anyone tell you differently.”

“Thank you. It’s been so hard being away for so long. While my dad’s death was an unfortunate circumstance, I’m happy I’m home with friends. I didn’t realize how lonely I was until recently.” I grip his hand, tightening my hold to show how much I appreciate him, but when I go to pull away, Taylor holds onto me, and his thumb brushes over the tops of my knuckles.

“You don’t ever have to worry about being alone again, Camilla.”

Cora interrupts and saves the day. “Here you go. If you need anything, let me know. Looks like a late morning rush came in.” Cora bounces away, her ponytail swinging with every step.

I’m able to pull my hand away and wrap my palms around the cup, so it looks like I need to do something with it, but in reality, I’m screaming on the inside because the damn mug is so hot.

He leans back and sips his too. “So, is there something going on with you and Luca?”

Is there?

According to what happened between us yesterday, there is.

I tuck a loose strand of hair behind my ear and blow the steam away from my coffee. “I don’t know. There’s always been something there. We’re working through it.”

“Always? How long have you known him.”

“Five years,” I mumble around the rim of my mug.

“That’s a long time, but it’s never too late to cut someone out of your life.”

“That’s easier said than done.”

“Not really. You have nothing tying you to him except rent.”

Offhandedly, without thinking, I say, “And my kids.” I realize my mistake and hold my breath, staring at the brown liquid of my coffee. I’m too nervous to look at Taylor. The only other person who knows the truth is Cora.

“The father of your kids is Luca Bianco?” he hisses, rubbing a hand down his face.

“Shhh.” I lean forward and look around to make sure we don’t grab anyone’s attention. “Will you keep it down?”

“Keep it down?” His mouth drops open. “He doesn’t know?” Taylor somehow manages to become louder.

“Shut up!” I hold a hand over his mouth and give a grim smile to someone giving us dirty looks. “Please, be quiet, Taylor. Please,” I beg, the words holding a slight tremble to them. “Please, Taylor.”

He nods, gently wrapping his hand around my wrist before pulling it down. “Okay,” he whispers. “I’m just so shocked. I mean, how doesn’t he know? They look a lot like him now that I think about it. How did this happen? When did this happen?”

“Five-ish years ago.”

“Five years.” Taylor’s face softens as he stares at me. “You were gone for five years.”

“I was.” My heart breaks at the memory. When I think about that entire situation, it almost doesn’t feel real.

“Your dad?”

I nod, taking a comfortable sip of my coffee, trying to get my soul to feel better. “He wasn’t happy, and he didn’t know who the father was. He was very disappointed in me. I didn’t know who Luca was at the time. I was at his club. One thing led to another, but neither of us had any idea who the other was. I haven’t told him the truth because I’ve gone so many years hiding it that now I don’t know how to go about saying it. I’ve imagined it.” A sad chuckle leaves me, and I tap the side of my head with my finger. “I’ve played the conversation a million times in my head. I’ve replayed his reactions, from sad to angry to happy. I’ve envisioned his facial expressions. Everything you can think of, I’ve done. Now I have the chance to do it, and I’m being a coward. I guess I don’t want to be tossed aside again. I barely made peace with my father before he died. I can’t imagine having to go the rest of my life fighting with Luca. Not saying anything, as bad as it sounds, it’s easier.”

“Easier doesn’t mean better. He deserves to know, but you know what you should never tell him?”


“The location of your father’s fortune.”
