Her eyes follow me, her head tilting back as I rise so she can see me.

Something about that seems so powerful and erotic to me. She’s so small in comparison, but she took me so well that one night, I know for a fact she could handle me.

“Just stopping by for the rent check and got the kids a treat. I hope you don’t mind.”

“Depends if they said thank you?” she asks them, lifting a brow

“I did. Olivia didn’t”

“Oliver! You’re a tattletale.”

“No, I’m not!”

“Yes, so!”

“Am not!”

“You guys go in the back and eat the nice treat Luca bought you, and if I hear any more arguing, you’re both going into a timeout, and I’ll be sure to tell Luca not to bring you more treats.”

They both gasp.

“Thank you, Mr. Luca,” Olivia mumbles, getting her act together before running to the back like her mom said.

The bell rings above the door, and an older man walks in, good-looking, and when he sees Camilla, he smiles.

Immediately, I hate him.

I don’t want other men making her smile. That job belongs to me.

“Marco!” she shouts, throwing her arms around his neck, and he picks her up until her feet are off the floor.

My hands curl into fists, not liking how close he is to touching areas of her body that are only meant for me.

“What are you doing here? I thought you finally retired from being a guard?”

“I did. I did. I’m only here to see you and to see how you’re doing.”

“I’m good. I’m great. Do you want anything? It’s on the house.”

“I’d love to. I’m glad to see you doing so well. I was worried about you.”

Her smile falters, and she barely meets my gaze when she shrugs her shoulders. “I’m fine. I’ve always been fine.” She puts together a box full of cupcakes, scones, muffins, and a few slices of fresh bread. “I learned how to be on my own, and if there is one person you can count on in the world, it’s yourself, right?”

Marco nods, but his lips press into a firm line. “You had people—”

“—Can we not talk about that here?” When she looks at me, chewing her lip with nerves, I know she’s hiding something from me.

I dislike not knowing everything about her.

Marco turns to me and then stands in front of Camilla. “Mr. Bianco. No disrespect, but what the hell are you doing here?”

“I own the place.”

“You what?” he snarls, keeping a strong stance in front of Camilla.

Never in my entire life would I hurt Camilla. I take a step forward and hold out my hand. “I have no ill will toward you, Marco. I own this building. She pays me rent. That’s all it is.”

“I remember everything you’ve done,” he sneers, slapping his hand in mine, then closing the space between us. “She’s not my daughter, but I love her like she’s my own. Don’t even think about trying to screw her over for a fortune you’ll never receive.”