And there’s a small part of me who is afraid she won’t like that man.

As I walk down the sidewalk, I notice Taylor coming out of her bakery, running across the street back to his bookstore, and my fingers itch to pull the gun from its holster. A quick aim and fire. He won’t know what hit him.

It’s tempting, but I think of Camilla, and the wild blaze of fury storming in my chest eases. She wouldn’t forgive me if I killed her friend, but if I could find proof that the last thing he is to her is a friend, then maybe she’d be okay cutting him out of her life.

I stop in front of Cora’s coffee shop and look in the window, fiddling with my hair, so nothing is out of place.

“Whatcha doin’, Luca?” Cora pokes her head out of the shop, and an aromatic breeze of coffee hits me. “You look pretty, if you’re so worried.”

Oh, she has jokes.

“I’m not worried.” I am. I’m very worried. Camilla has armor around her now, and I want to be the guy who is able to disassemble it. Shield by shield, I want her to lower her weapons only so I can raise them for her.

“Camilla is stressed today. Whatever you have planned, just go easy.”

“Can I ask… why she disappeared?”

“That’s her story, Luca. I don’t feel comfortable telling it, but her dad was a real piece of work. Just…be patient. She’s worth it.”

“She’s always been worth it,” I say, hating how much I’ve missed over the years. “Olivia and Oliver’s father, is he in the picture?”

She stares at the ground and hums. “Kind of? Again, something you’d need to talk to her about. I need to go and get the place ready for the next shift.”

Her hurry to get away from me leaves me a little uneasy, but there’s nothing I can do about it now.

I’m not even at the bakery door yet, and I can smell the fresh bread. When I step inside, there are a few people waiting in line, so I take my spot in the back and wait.

“Thank you so much. I hope you have a wonderful day.” Camilla’s voice is kind and happy; even from here, I can tell there’s a smile on her face. The customer leaves with a bag of goodies, and her attention is already on the next. “What can I get you?”

“The chocolate molten lava cupcake, please,” the man says.

Damn, that sounds good.

“Mr. Luca!”

I turn and squat, smiling, when I see two speedy kids running to me.

“Mr. Luca! You came back. You’re back.”

I chuckle at Oliver, staring at him when I notice how similar he looks. He has his mom’s eyes; that has to be it. “I am back. I couldn’t seem to stay away. Your mom’s baking is the best.”

“It is. She’s amazing,” Olivia explains, twisting back and forth so her fluffy skirt fans out around her. She looks cute today. Her hair is in braided pigtails, and her bright blue eyes remind me so much of my own.

“She is amazing, but do you think she will get mad if I gave you guys….” I reach into my pocket and sneak a peek at the counter, where she’s still working hard and very busy. “Candy bars?”

The kids squeal with excitement again.

“No! She won’t care. We ate lunch already too, so we are alloweded,” Olivia explains.

“Alloweded isn’t a word.” I bop her nose with my finger. “It’s allowed.”

“You’re just like Mommy.” Olivia rolls her eyes, and I toss my head back, laughing at how untrue that really is.

I hand over the candy bars, and Oliver throws his arms around my neck to give me a hug. “Thank you, Mr. Luca,” he mumbles in his cute, childish voice, and my heart grows a size, making room for kids who aren’t even mine.

Does that really matter?

“And what do we have here?” Camilla stands next to me, and I straighten to my full height.