I don’t want to push her away thinking I can take care of her kids better than she can—that’s not the case at all. She’s provided for them beautifully, and all I want to do is add to it. I’d love to take them to an amusement park or maybe rent a bouncy castle. I was researching fun things for kids to do last night and I got lost in all the activities suggested.
Maybe one day Camilla will trust me enough to do something like that. When I enter the gas station, I do have another item I need to check off my list before I leave to see Camilla. I head to the candy aisle, snag a few chocolates, and head to the counter.
Harold doesn’t notice me yet. His back is turned, and he is restocking cigarettes. I pull out my gun and cock it.
The sound has him freezing.
“Ah, good. You notice me,” I say, tossing a five-dollar bill on the counter. I tuck the candy bars in my pocket and sigh. “I don’t want to do this, Harold. I like you. I like this gas station. I like that it’s helped your family get back on their feet. Your son finally got that treatment he needed, right? All beautiful. I love that for you. I do.”
Harold turns around, hands in the air, and he swallows; the prominent Adam’s apple bobs as he stares at me. “Mr. Bianco. I—I have it. Your money. I do.”
“Do you?” I tilt my head to the left. “I feel like you’re lying to me because if you had it, you would have called and told me.”
“I’ve been busy taking my son back and forth to treatments. It’s been hectic. He’s doing really good, Mr. Bianco. Real good.”
“That’s great.” It is. I don’t want anything bad to happen to Harold. I truly like the guy. “You’re a good guy, Harold. I’ve been patient, right? I’ve been understanding too.”
He nods. “You have. I wouldn’t have any of this without you.”
“And I didn’t question you when you said you needed an extension on the payment, right? I shook your hand, and we went on about our day, but now I feel like you’re taking advantage of my kindness. I don’t like that.”
“No, Mr. Bianco. I’m not. Truly. I would never do that to you. I have the money in the safe. I can take you to it.”
“Lead the way.” I keep the gun pointed at him, and a few customers won’t look my way. They pretend they don’t see me.
I follow Harold to the back room, and his feet shuffle against the floor, almost as if he is scurrying away from me as quick as he can.
He’s an older man. He’s got gray hair and a slight hunch to his back. His son is disabled and lives with him and his wife full-time.
I might have the gun out and pointed at him, but I’d never use it on Harold. His life is safe with me. I wouldn’t leave a son without a family, especially someone as good as Harold.
It’s my secret to keep. I have a city run. Examples to make. No matter how old the customer is, they can’t break an agreement.
I’ll never tell this to anyone, but I have a soft spot for older people. It’s my secret to take to the grave.
He opens his safe and hands me a small black bag.
“It’s all there. I promise,” he says.
I tuck the gun in my holster and unzip the bag, surprised to see so many stacks of hundreds there. “It looks like this is more than the payment we set up.”
“I was hoping extra would help me get my debt to you paid off.”
I nod, counting every stack. “I’ll see you in six months, Harold. You did well.”
“Thank you, Mr. Bianco. Thank you.” He shakes my hand with both of his, and I don’t know why, but the way his eyes water with emotion, thankful I didn’t kill him, has my chest tightening. I don’t like it.
I pull away. “Six months, Harold. You’ll be seeing me again.”
“Yes, Mr. Bianco. I’ll be ready.”
With a nod, I turn around, walk out of his office, and pass the same customers as before. Without so much as a quick glance at them, I head out the door and pop the trunk of my car to toss the money inside.
The gas station is only down the block from Camilla, so it only takes a few minutes for me to get to her store.
I don’t know why I’m so nervous. For everything else in this world, I’m cold and ruthless, but with her, I’m not that man.