“It smells so good in here.” Taylor, the guy who owns the bookstore across the street, says.

He introduced himself to me on the first day the bakery opened. He’s been kind to me, and because of it, I might slip him a free muffin here and there.

“Taylor. Hey, how are you?” I open the oven, slide on the oven mitt, and then slide the cookie tray out.

“I’m good. I’m on lunch and wanted to come say hi, maybe see if you want to get a sandwich.”

“Taylor, you know I—”

“—I know. I know.” He holds up his hands in surrender. “You aren’t looking to date or have a relationship, but I truly only want to go to lunch with a friend. That’s all. Nothing more.”

“I can’t. I have to get another few dozen of these cookies made by three. Then I have to get the kids from Cora. Today is her day off from the store, so she can watch them for me.” I thought not having Louisa would put me in a bind, but it hasn’t been difficult. If Cora can’t watch them, there is an amazing daycare at the end of the street, and I can actually afford to take them there. It’s amazing what a little money can do.

They say money doesn’t buy happiness, but it has brought me relief. I’m not as stressed. I haven’t had any anxiety attacks or sleepless nights.

The struggle I’ve been battling for the last five years is getting better.

What makes it even better is that I haven’t used a dime of the money Dad gave me. I’ve used what the bakery has made, but I’m not stupid. I deposited the check he gave me, so it’s earning interest. I might have issues using the money now, but the kids will be taken care of, and I care about that.

Maybe I’ll get past the bitterness and spend the money he left me, but I’m not sure I will. Spending it is like saying what he did was okay. Maybe that mindset will change one day. I’ll be open to it, but right now, supporting myself is more important to me.

Yes, he got me this store so I could have my own bakery, but I would be stupid to turn that down without allowing myself to succeed. I am grateful.

Figuring out my feelings for my father is a battle that never ends.

“You have to eat, Camilla. Can I at least bring lunch to you? And maybe I can steal one of those cookies you’re icing right now?”

The snickerdoodles have a light marshmallow topping. It’s fluffy and delicious. I use this icing more than usual, which is why I sell so well. Regular icing is too heavy and sweet for me, but this one is perfect.

“Deal. I’ll be here waiting.”

“Be back soon.” He exits, leaving me alone, just as the door opens again.

“It smells heavenly in here.”

I don’t need to look up to see who it is. The tube of icing drops from my hand and clatters on the floor.

“Damn it,” I curse.

“Such foul language for such a pretty woman,” he teases me, and my cheeks heat.

I can’t help but react to him. He has that way when it comes to women. I know his voice doesn’t only work on me.

I press my hand against the side of my head and try to calm myself, but the ability to think straight diminishes with every word he speaks.

“Luca, what are you doing here?” I brace myself on the counter, gripping it for dear life to prepare myself to look at him.

“I’m here to support a new business in my city,” he says, stepping right in front of me.

The only thing between us is the counter, and even with that standing in the way, I feel the pull to him.

I’ve learned to be strong for myself and my kids, but I don’t think I’m strong enough to deny Luca if he keeps coming around. Is that his plan? To wear me down, make me fall for him, and then what? He gets what he wants and gets rid of me? Kills me?

I can’t allow that to happen. I have Olivia and Oliver to think about. They need me to have one hundred percent of the focus on them.

“Look at me, Camilla.”

I shake my head, then bend down to pick up the icing before tossing it in the trash. I snag another tube from the fridge and start icing the cookies.