“You want to know so much about her when she has two kids? That’s a lot to take on, Luca. She’s been a single mom, and I know what that’s like because my mom raised me. They are different. They are stronger, and she won’t let anyone walk all over her. She’ll protect her kids at all costs. I’m not saying she isn’t worth it because she has two kids. I’m saying she is, but she won’t trust you immediately.”

“I know. She’d be dumb to trust me right away. And Camilla is anything but dumb.” She finally climbs into the car. “I like children,” I add out of nowhere when her car is out of sight. “I don’t have any yet due to timing.” I’ve already found the woman I want to have my kids with. I just need her to want that too.

“Well, to get in her good graces, start with getting the kids something. Show you’re interested in her life, not just her. Those kids are a package deal. You can’t have her without them. Show you care about them first, but it can’t be expensive, or she’ll need to repay you.”

“There are a lot of rules. It’s a good thing you know so much.”

“You should have seen the men that tried to date my mom. I’m lucky. Eventually, she would kick them all out when she realized they wanted nothing to do with me.” He claps my shoulder. “Come on. Let’s get out of the rain before the weather gets worse.”

As we head back to the car, I try to think of all the possibilities for Camilla and me. I haven’t been around kids, so the more I think about what they like, the more lost I become. “What would kids of their ages like? What about a bike? Maybe shooting lessons? I took shooting lessons when I was their age.” I keep walking until I notice Alvize isn’t beside me. I look back and notice him standing still, staring at me with an open mouth. “What?”

“You can’t give children their age shooting lessons. Are you insane? Horrible idea. Horrible. Let that thought go.”

“I turned out just fine.”

He glares at me. “You’re the leader of a criminal organization who beat up a drug dealer the other day until he lost most of his teeth.”

“I’m feared. I’m in power. I have money. I’m a businessman. I would say that’s successful.”

“Yes, but…” he rubs his eyes. “That’s not normal.”

“What do you suggest?” I ask, opening the passenger side door.

He waits to answer until we are in the SUV. “Candy.”

“Candy?” I repeat.

“Kids love candy.”

I can do that. I’ll get all the candy those kids could ever dream of.

“Don’t go overboard. A piece of two. Nothing too over the top, Luca. You’ll only push her away.”

That’s the last thing I want to do. I already have a long road ahead to gain her trust.

The drive home has me thinking but not of Camilla.

Of her children.

And I wished they were mine. Then, she’d be bound to me.

She’d be safe.

And she’d be mine.

Chapter Seven


The bell jingles above the door as someone enters.

“I’ll be right with you!” I shout from the back room, grabbing extra supplies. It’s been a week since Dad’s death, and I’ve been settling into my new world fine, which scares me. I should be more chaotic emotionally, but I think I said goodbye to my dad long ago, making it a little easier to move on.

I’ve mourned our relationship already. There’s nothing left to be sad about.

I carry the goodies out to the front and slide behind the counter. The oven is on, cooking another batch of snickerdoodle marshmallow cookies. If the customers stay in the store while they enjoy their baked goods, they can watch me make everything, which is important regarding transparency. The customers can see what I put in the cookies, donuts, bread, or anything else I decide to make.

I’m proud of the little bakery. I’m thankful for the opportunity Dad gave me. I’ve only been open a few weeks, and business has been outstanding. I’ve surpassed all the goals I set for myself for the next six months.