“It’s boring. If someone needs to say bye to me, I hope they wear a Captain America costume. That would be so cool,” Oliver says, walking in a straight line.
He’s literally placing one foot directly in front of the other.
A car is waiting for us when I get downstairs, and Andrew is there, opening the back door.
We climb inside, and the kids play with one another to pass the time, but before I can form a thought, we are already pulling into the cemetery.
The number of cars is in an endless line. I can’t count the number of people crowded around his grave. As I walk, I hold Olivia in my arms, and Cora has her hand in Oliver’s. A light rain begins to fall, matching the mournful mood.
Umbrellas open, a big void of black depressing me further.
When I get to the front, I sit down, and the kids sit next to me. The rain drips down my dad’s casket, and my attention is locked on each drop. They remind me of tears.
For a casket, it’s nice. Gold rails and polished oak wood. The thought of being buried scares me. The thought of my body being trapped in a box, underground, is really unsettling. I want to be cremated and tossed into the air instead of taking up space.
“A leader isn’t someone who leads, but someone who cares about the cause he is leading,” the priest begins, and it takes all I have not to be bitter and scoff.
My dad only cared about himself, which only changed toward the end.
While the priest talks, I look around to see if I notice anyone. Marco is here, and he gives me a sad, tight smile. He’s older, grayer around the temples, and has wrinkles around his eyes.
And then my attention lands on him.
I gasp so loud that the priest stops talking for a moment before starting again.
Luca is staring right at me. It’s intense. His blue eyes pierce through the rain and lock onto me.
“Grief is heavy, but one does not have to carry the weight alone,” he preaches to the crowd, patting my shoulder.
Internally, I roll my eyes.
I’ve been carrying around weight by myself for years. It’s made me stronger.
“Oh my God, he is here,” Cora whispers from the side of her mouth.
“I know.” I can barely breathe while I look at him. I can’t bring myself to break the connection. He looks so handsome. He’s wearing a black peacoat, dark slacks, and an onyx shirt. Rain is catching in his dark hair, and there’s a shadow of stubble on his cheeks.
His eyes fall on Olivia and Oliver, but it doesn’t seem to register that they are his children.
I have to ignore him.
The only thing on my mind is getting through this day.
Luca was supposed to be in the past with my dad, but here he is, and I can’t help but wonder if there is a chance for us.
Or maybe it died, and I’m burying that six feet under, too.
Chapter Six
Ah, my little beauty has noticed me at last.
I want her to know I’m here, and now there’s no way for her to escape me. I’ve already taken over every aspect of her life, and she has no idea.
I didn’t know she had children. It isn’t a problem. I love kids, and hers are adorable. I’ll have to ensure the child’s father isn’t in the picture. They have me now. They won’t need him.