He won’t. Thompson doesn’t have the strength to fight. I lift my hand and gesture with my fingers for Alvize to put the weapon away.
“How can I help you, Thompson? Let’s get down to business.” My mind begins to move, calculating everything I know about him from the past. He’s always been a wealthy man, and he only got wealthier as the years went on. There were rumors he had hidden a fortune, but they were just rumors.
I want to ask him. He won’t need the money anymore.
But then, he has Camilla.
He could give the money to her. It makes the most sense, considering she would be next of kin. It’s something to keep in mind and unforgotten.
“I don’t have long. When I’m dead, Camilla will be a target. She needs to be protected, something I haven’t done a great job of.”
It must be what Cora was talking about earlier.
“I’m giving you all my networking connections.” He hands me an envelope full of information so many other men in my position will want.
“Why?” I hand the envelope to Alvize.
“You’re the only one who hasn’t tried to kill me and go back on our agreement. I’d say you are a man of honor.”
I’m so far from honorable.
Not with what I have planned.
“I’ll protect your daughter under a few conditions.”
He wheezes. “Name them.”
“I want to own the building she has her bakery in. Don’t ask how I know. You know men like us; we always know everything about our enemies.”
“Fine. That’s perfect. She can pay you to rent it, and you can keep her safe.”
“I want her hand in marriage too. I want that in the contract.”
His eyes widen, and another round of brutal coughing hits him. “Why?”
“Consider it a way to keep my investment close.” I won’t tell him the truth. I won’t tell him that five years ago, I took his daughter’s virginity, and it was the best sex I’ve ever had, and I can’t get her out of my mind. I need to have her. She belongs to be. I don’t care what I have to do, even if it means lying to one of the most brutal men who has made his mark in history.
“She won’t tell you where the fortune is. She couldn’t care less about it.”
“All more reason for her to tell me.”
“She won’t. Only to spite you.”
I lift my mouth in a knowing smirk. I love that she’s got a little fire. Something I really want to ignite.
He holds out his hand, a gentlemen’s deal, until the paperwork is signed. “Everything is yours. You’ll have the contract in an hour.”
I meet his handshake and stand. “I’m sorry agreements couldn’t be made under better circumstances. I swear to take care of your daughter, Mr. Thompson.”
“You’re the only one I know who will. Don’t let anything happen to her. She’s been through enough.”
I don’t know what he means, but with a curt nod and approval from her father, I walk away a richer man.
And money has nothing to do with it.
Chapter Five