“I take nothing for granted. Loss is common among the people of Hebor. It is one in every five pregnancies.”
“Wow. That is horrible. For my species, it is higher, but the majority of those that end do so before the woman is even aware of it.” She sighed. “I am a little nervous about knowing so soon.”
“We will watch it, and if it leaves, we will mourn and try again next year.”
The acceptance in his tone made her tear up, so she blinked to clear her vision.
He kissed her softly, and he shared his plans for her future, including her greeting the incoming humans the following day. Once the new Terrans had gone through the bond auction, she would have a reason to visit all of their homes.
He chuckled. “We can bring some of your medics as well when we do visits. Your friend can come with us.”
“Reeda? Really?” She grinned.
“Yes, her effect on your mind was astonishing. She’s a walking mood enhancer.”
“That does describe it.” Nova lost the fight with her smirk. “I have known her for twenty years, and she has always been that way.”
“That is interesting. How did you meet?”
“She was the older sister of my best friend at the time. Lea passed away when she was twenty years old. Reeda took care of the funeral and dispersed her accounts and possessions. When that was done, she left. I only got the occasional email from her, but each one was like she was there in the room. She just has that way about her.”
“Her mind is interesting. It is like quicksilver. Nothing sticks.”
Nova nodded. “It is one of the reasons she had to travel when her sister died. She has what we would term to be a mental illness or an alternate means of thinking. I have no doubt that her way of thinking, unsubdued and uncontrolled, saved dozens of lives. There is no one who was better at seeing danger before it struck.” She smiled. “Despite appearances, she is very dangerous. I am pretty sure that she could chain dance with the best of them.”
“The guards will be upset if she is better than they are.”
“Will they be? No one around her ever gets mad at her.”
He chuckled. “They use the chain dances for courtship. If your friend is better at it than they are, she will be getting the attention from the females.”
“I am fairly sure she isn’t into females. She is... I haven’t seen her into anyone.” She shrugged.
“You trust her to help you with your pregnancy?”
Nova smiled. “I do.”
“Then, we can offer your friend a chance to learn the chain dance.” He chuckled.
“She will deal with whatever happens. I am sure.” Nova grinned. “There is nothing that she can’t do.”
He hugged her. “Now, can we celebrate the uniting of our cells?”
She kissed him slowly. “I believe we can, Overseer Heboren.”
She could feel his hand gather her skirt, and she grinned before kissing him again. Finally, something to celebrate.
Chapter Twelve
Lily had been a little nervous about going to Hebor with Nebel, but they had presents to deliver to Nova. She looked at Nebel and felt the rings in her face move. “This is going to be a bit of a shock for Nova.”
Nebel stood next to her and took her hand. The rings on her fingers were clicking as she gripped his fingers.
“Why do you think she will be shocked?”
“I am gold, Nebel. My fucking skin is gold.”
He chuckled, pulling her close as the ship descended. “It is an interesting side effect of your pregnancy. You look lovely in that colour. You match your wings and your jewellery.”