Page 51 of Deadly Star

Lily swallowed and could still taste him. It didn’t seem the worst thing, and she had avoided telling him about how she had survived after the impact.

Chapter Eleven

Nova actually enjoyed the time before the drop ship arrived with the medical team. She learned about Hebor and the clothing preferences of the locals. Heboren approved the dresses and the body suits. She had been surprised that trousers were on the list, but when he took her flying on her second day, she understood that the insulation was handy.

When the drop ship of Terran support staff opened, Nova was watching with Heboren at her side.

The humans came out in different shapes and colours. They were all older than the younger females that were on their way on the warship that would be arriving in two days.

Nova gasped when a woman with purple hair exited the ship in a standard medical outfit.

Heboren touched her thoughts for a moment. He made a gesture with his hand toward the human medic. One of the felines walked over, spoke to the woman, and then led her to meet the ruling couple.

The woman looked at Nova, grinned, and deeply bowed when standing in front of them. “Overseer, consort. Thank you for the invitation to Hebor.”

“Reeda? Don’t you recognize me?” Nova was shocked.

Reeda looked up and grinned. “I do not presume to know the lady before me, but I once had a friend with your smile and shape.”

Nova stepped forward and hugged her. She was gratified when the hug was returned. “I didn’t know you made it.”

“I was in Costa Rica. The volcanoes made a surprisingly warm environment in the caverns. We were able to keep folks alive and healthy using all the geothermal tech we could get in and set up. Hydroponics continued with the lighting we had, but the supply we could produce wasn’t sufficient after eighteen months. The collection crews started arriving, and we left.”

Nova stroked her friend’s cheek. “I assumed you were dead.”

“Yeah, that was always safer than hoping someone was out there.” Reeda’s tears fell silently. “I am really glad to see you, Consort Nova?”

Nova nodded. “That’s it. Just call me Nova.”

“It suits you.” Reeda looked at the transport where the other medical staff were going. “I think I am going to miss my ride.”

Nova looked to Heboren. “Can she stay with me for a bit?”

He nodded. “Of course. She can join us for lunch.”

Nova grinned and sent him silent thanks.

Heboren lifted her in his arms and said, “Another vehicle will bring you to our home.” He nodded to one of the guards from the drop ship.

Nova wanted to argue that she would go with Reeda, but he was making a point. She was his lady, and Reeda was her friend. He got priority.

Nova watched Reeda ignore the sneer that she was getting from the other staff as they sat and had lunch with Heboren nearby.

“Sorry about that. They only tolerate me because of Heboren.” Nova drank her juice.

“It’s fine. I get to eat. I don’t have to worry about everyone and everything around me, and I have clothes that fit. I’m excellent.”

“You don’t have a pair-bond requirement?”

“Nope.” Reeda grinned. “I am a skill-only bond.”


“You heard me. I am only here because I have medical training with humans, specifically obstetrics.”

“Oh, shit. You are a midwife.” Nova started blushing. “I had forgotten about that. I read the files, but it never clicked. You are just Reeda to me.”

Reeda grinned. “I am glad for it. I like your outfit.”