Page 48 of Deadly Star

“Oh. Right.” She swallowed. “So, how long do other species take to adapt?”

“It varies. I believe three years is the longest that they have taken to adapt. One species was just allergic to Hmrain and died during the first copulation.”

She blinked. “Allergy? Oh, damn.”

“Yes, we are lucky that your kind is so flexible.” He beckoned to her. “Do you want to see the wing design?”

She stretched and nodded, walking around to stand next to him. He opened his wing and pulled her against him while she stared at the screens. The superstructure of the wings was there. Muscles were replaced by rods and small machines.

“Oh, that looks involved.”

“There will be a few designs before there is one that I am satisfied with, and then we will work on connecting them to you to check for range of motion.”

“They are very involved.” She leaned forward to peer at the design. His wing wrapped around her and pulled her back onto his naked lap.

“They are. It has been very entertaining. I will increase the wing span a little to counter any weight you gain over time.”

“Um, can I carry anything?”

He cocked his head. “I will make you a separate set for carrying cargo or possibly another person of your size.”

She grinned. “Two sets of wings. You are spoiling me.”

He chuckled.

“Now, where is a shower, and how can I get clothing?”

He pulled her snugly against him. “First and last thing per day is a kiss.”


“Because I control the world beneath our feet, and I want to start the day with a kiss.”

Lily looked at him. “I haven’t brushed my teeth.”

“The nanites keep the bacteria under control. Your breath is fine.”

She put her hand over her mouth and exhaled. “You aren’t kidding. Wow.”

“So, as you never need to fear a kiss, you should certainly give me my due now.”

“After that, I get some clothing, right?”

His brows waggled a little, and it made her laugh. He smiled and stroked her jaw. “Yes, I will show you how to use the fabricator. After that, we will put in some of the piercings.”

“Can’t wait.” She brought her face in to his and kissed him. The soft brush of lips was sweet, but she was fairly sure she was interested in more. She licked at him and softly murmured when he was making her do all the work, so... Lily squirmed around, pushed him as far back as his wings would let him go, and shoved her tongue into his mouth.

She held his head and continued to slide her tongue along his until she pulled back, gave him another quick kiss on his slightly parted lips, and leaned back. “Good enough?”

He cocked her head and cupped the back of her skull as he gave her a slow but thorough kiss that weakened her knees.

When they parted, she was breathing fast, and he was smiling softly. “It was fine. We will work at getting better, Lily.”

“Getting better, how?”

“So that you don’t hesitate. Take what you want, little Terran. What’s mine is yours.”

Lily nodded, and he set her on her feet before he stood up. He showed her how to activate a glass panel and directed her onto the silver mat in front of it. “Touch the panel with your fingers and ask it for what you want.”