Page 46 of Deadly Star

“I like the idea but don’t know how I will feel about the execution of it.” She wrinkled her nose. “I wouldn’t mind medical personnel that knew what end did what.”

“Ah, and an obstetrics specialist?”

Lily chuckled. “Boy, are you optimistic.”

“I do not think that optimism enters into it. The designers wouldn’t have given me the capability to reshape you if it wouldn’t bear fruit.”

“I don’t think that fruit is an issue.”

He grinned, and they descended the cargo ramp, and heat wrapped around her the moment that the light of the two suns touched her. It was warm. Very warm. The outfit she was wearing was appropriate for the environment. She wouldn’t mind wearing less.

“Nice call on the outfit. Is it always this warm?”

“Outside of the cities? Yes. The cities are domed for extra climate control and protection. The testing grounds are not encapsulated.”

He continued to talk, but she stared into the distance. Domed cities dotted the horizon as she slowly turned around. Everywhere she looked she could see tiny domes dotted across the horizon. “Wow. How many people are in each city?”

“Less than a hundred thousand. These cities here depend on getting fresh materials from other worlds. The closer they are to the landing site, the faster they get their materials for projects.”

Nebel took her hand and pulled her against him. She stared up at him for a moment, and then he lifted her, kissed her, and his wings flared wide for their takeoff. He launched, and his wings clawed them up high until she could see the landscape and feel the cool breezes that weren’t available on the ground.

He had a good grip on her, so she was only slightly nervous. He did a slow circle, so she could see the land until the curvature of the world blurred the details. “Welcome to Bellen, Lily.”

“Thank you, Nebel.” She leaned her head against his shoulder. “Do you live in the sky?”

“No, I don’t. Nor do you.” He turned, and his wings began a heavy stroke that pulled them through the air while he dove to pick up speed.

She had no idea how much ground they had covered by the time they landed, but she would guess at three hundred miles. They had flownfast.

Lily looked around as he walked into the glass home, and absolutely all parts of it were exposed to the light of the two suns. She could see the bedroom through the glass panels.

Lily licked her lips. “Not a big fan of privacy?”

Nebel chuckled. “Privacy mode.”

The glass walls went opaque grey as he walked through the building that opened all doors at his approach.

“Oh. That’s handy.” She licked her lips. “I thought that there would be people to greet you.”

“I don’t actually like people that much; you are the exception.”

Lily looked at his smile. “So, I am... lucky?”

“My goal is to make you think so sooner rather than later.”

“So, how does your home function?”

“Drones and bots, the same as my ship. There were hundreds of cameras watching us exit the ship, so the social requests will begin tomorrow.”

“Social requests?”

“To have us visit different cities to have the citizenry meet you.”

He passed a living area, a kitchen area, and a study, and everywhere he walked, doors opened and closed.

“So, they see you?”

He nodded. “They do. They will see you as well. First thing we are doing is getting you acknowledged by the house systems, bots, and drones. Then, you can make the acquaintance of the fabricator.”