Page 19 of Deadly Star

Nova leaned against his chest and looked down. Two more inches had slid in, and her trembling thighs were keeping her at that level, and she didn’t know how long she could hold the position.

He gripped her hips and lifted her off him, curling onto his side and pulling her against him.

She blinked slowly. “Where did it go?”

“Into you. My venom primed you, and the bulk of the nanites are getting you into optimal condition. Your body will soon recognize mine as its partner.”

His wing wrapped around her, and she was suddenly in a warm world that smelled like sex. He kissed her. When he lifted his head, he whispered, “When you wake up, the contract is waiting.”

She tried to explain that she wasn’t sleepy but was out in two breaths.

Chapter Five

Lily was sitting on her bed, reading. She heard the door chime and went to answer it. “Whoa.”

The captain was standing in her doorway, and he looked her up and down. She glanced down at the gauzy dress that made up one of many in her wardrobe.

“Uh, yes, Captain?”

“Are you wanting to exercise?” he asked quietly. “It was suggested that you might want to gain a complete grasp of your new additions.”

She glanced at her artificial hands. “I would, yes, but all my clothing looks like this.”

There was a low chime, and something dropped in the delivery chute.

He smiled. “You have three minutes.”

She blinked, he closed the door, and then she darted to the chute, whipped her dress over her head, and pulled on the exercise gear. It was a one-piece bodysuit that would be a little snug if she lifted her arms, but it felt more secure than the gauzy dresses.

The door opened as she finished tying her hair back.

He smiled. “You almost made it. Are you ready?”

“I am. Thank you for this, Captain.”

“The overseer recognized that your implants were new and you didn’t have a chance to get completely comfortable with them. I am here to make sure you can.”

“I am sure that there were others who could help.”

She looked up at his tigerish appearance, and he smiled. “And yet, I am the one who is here. So, what kind of exercises would you need to start with?”

Lily blushed. “I think I would like to use the simulator for boxing. Also, do you have any music? I work out best to music.”

“I think we can manage something.”

Lily bounced on her heels as she walked. He was watching her and laughing, but she didn’t care. Ever since her arms were crushed, she had dreamed of getting her fingers back under her control.

“Were you part of the group with the others?”

She blinked. “Oh, back home? No. I had a vehicle, and I was heading toward the beacon that had been set up. There was a wind storm; a tree collapsed my car’s roof and severed my arms.” She realized what she had said. “Sorry. No. I was not part of that group.”

“Your mind has a strange word for the wind.”

“Tornado. Wind that spins when heat and cold begin to push the air into a vortex.”

“It is strong?”

“They can be mild or deadly, depending on how large they grow.”