Their Grace Union flickered open, and she cried out in his mind. I want your touch.
Laving at his bite to heal her, he sent his intent into her thoughts. Now I want to pleasure you without my fangs. Only with my mouth.
I’m your feast. Dine on any part of me that you want.
Moving with Hesperine quickness again, he slipped down her body and pressed his mouth to the tempting banquet between her thighs. At the sudden touch of his lips, she startled again, mewing with approval.
She held her saintly robes out of his way and let him devour the most intimate part of her body. She watched him ravish her, just like the first time she had let him take her into this forbidden territory, never to return.
Like the heretic she now was, she canted her hips, serving her soft, wet folds up to him. With his tongue, he teased out her most sensitive bud of nerves. When she gave another husky moan of encouragement, he fastened onto her kalux and suckled her.
He felt all her senses fix on that point, on what he was doing to her, on him. He kept her knees spread, driving her wilder with his tongue. She was stunning, her hands fisting in her robes, her body quivering toward another inevitable loss of control in his hands.
Just before her aura broke apart, he pulled away.
She gasped, half sitting up. “Lio—!”
He rolled onto his back beside her, rubbing a hand across his damp mouth. “Still hungry?”
She bared her canines and straddled him. Her tangled hair fell around him, and she dug her nails into his pectorals as if to hold him down. All he saw in her eyes was hunger now, and oh, how it satisfied his own.
Her hot, tight core came down on his erection. He lay back and let her have him. Breathing hard, she took him with fast, urgent shoves of her hips, as if she would die if she didn’t get him inside her. The vision of her in her bloodstained robes hazed before his eyes.
When she had worked herself fully onto his shaft, she stretched out over him to bite his chest. Holding him between her knees, she squeezed his burgeoning erection with her inner muscles, rubbing her kalux against him with little swivels of her hips. His chest bruised and healed under the grazing pressure of her bites.
Their Union was a torrent of Craving, all-consuming. Her hunger tore his magic out of him, and he let go. The pressure in his soul released, and his body spilled inside her in rough pulses. All he could hear was his heart pounding in his ears and her moans as she rode him.
When they came to their senses, she didn’t move. She cuddled against him as if she never wanted to unseal her body from his. He wrapped his arms around her at last.
This was where she belonged. In natural union with his body and Grace Union with his heart. Untethered from the mortal world.
By their Goddess, he would free her and her magic from this kingdom once and for all.
Day Until
33 Chera’s Coin, 1597 OT
Lio caught the warm, metallic scent of a storm on the air when Eudias traversed into the pavilion the following night. The weary mage sank into the chair Lio pulled out for him, and Cassia offered him a cup of water.
They waited in silence with the others while Eudias drank deeply. He set down the empty cup and heaved a breath. “The Allied Lords will welcome the delegations from Orthros and the Empire. They have agreed to hold the Council meetings at twilight so Hesperines can attend.”
Triumph rose in the Blood Union among everyone in the pavilion. Except Cassia. Lio sensed the weight of her dread. He fought the powerful instinct to reach for her hand. He mustn’t, not in front of the mage.
As much as Lio hated to make her wait here and fear for his safety, he had no remorse. He would do what he must to keep her safe.
“Do we have permission to check Patria for danger?” Lio asked.
“Yes, you can come ahead.” Eudias gave him a wry smile. “I promised the lords I would stop you if you try any dangerous spells. But you’ll find my definition of what qualifies as ‘dangerous’ to be quite different from theirs.”
“Thank you,” Lio told him.
Eudias grimaced. “I’m afraid Lord Flavian has one more request. He would like Princess Solia and Ambassador Cassia to follow in the morning.”