Page 36 of Blood Gift

Her teeth clamped onto his throat, tantalizing, almost enough.

“More,” he demanded.

Her canines dug into his warded skin, and she closed her mouth over his vein to suck him hard. He bucked under her, and she rode his instinctive thrusts.

More? her thought-voice invited.

I want your vein.


He matched her, mouth to vein, and sank his fangs into the other side of her neck. The grasp of her teeth became a vise as she cried out in the back of her throat.

My Queen has demands in return?

She gripped him inside her and rocked at an insistent pace. But with each of his long pulls at her vein, she surrendered a little more to his grasp on her hips and the slower, harder drives of his rhabdos. He drank the rich flavor of her power and tasted it sweetening into thoughtless need until she was pliant on his shaft, letting him move her. Her Craving now ruled her.

How blessed he was to be the one holding all her appetites in his arms. He braced his feet on the floor of the bath to thrust into her Craving. His magic poured out of him in rhythmic surges, a heated tide that drew agonizing pleasure through him, building delicious pressure where he was buried inside her. The water slapped against them as she feasted on him, soft and wet and ravenous.

He angled his hips. Goddess. Yes. Just there. She whimpered, and a new trace of spice threaded through her blood. He gritted his teeth to stop himself from letting go.

At the deepening bite, she exploded like a spell. And he lost himself. The Craving left him mindless in the flow of her blood. He consumed her with rapid pumps up into her giving body.

She found her voice first. “You have dethroned me.”

He arched a brow at her, unwilling to budge from his exquisite situation. “You still seem well seated to me.”

“Yes, well, look who is holding me there.”

He gave her buttocks an unrepentant squeeze. “I’ve told you I have a taste for powerful women.”

“I want my own magic so much I could weep. I want to please you with it.”

He ran his hands softly over her hips. “Then why hesitate to tell me what you were sensing earlier?”

Her gaze dropped. “What if I had been wrong?”

“You will be wrong sometimes, and that’s all right. Magic is complex, and making mistakes is part of learning. But in this case, you were correct.”

“I suppose I’m still afraid to get my hopes up sometimes. It seems too easy. After everything I’ve endured…how can my magic simply appear?”

“You’ve suffered enough! You’ve fought so hard and come so far.”

“Perhaps that’s true. There have been signs…it’s possible my magic is very close to fully manifesting.”

“What signs? I want to know everything.”

Lio gathered Cassia more comfortably across his lap and listened, riveted, while she shared with him the wisdom Thalia had passed down to her through Solia.

“Kyria and Hespera bless your mother,” he said when she finished. “Our understanding of your magic may still be incomplete, but thanks to her, we are no longer without knowledge. And what we do know makes it clear that you are coming into your full power even now. I can hardly wait.”

Cassia’s pulse picked up, betraying her anxiety. “Lio, I will need your help. A great deal of help, I suspect. It is…so much power. And I understand so little. If I make even a small mistake, the consequences could be devastating, couldn’t they?”

Holding his naked Grace in his arms, along with all the latent magic contained within her, he was keenly aware of his role as her guide on the arcane path set out before her.

It was terrifying and marvelous, and he would have done anything to secure this calling if Hespera had not appointed him.

“I want to help you,” he said. “I want to be the one you come to with questions, the one who holds you after every failed spell. I want to taste every drop of your new power in your veins as your magic surges through you for the first time.” He slid his finger up the freshly healed skin of her jugular, and she shivered.