Page 241 of Blood Gift

Cassia’s political mind could predict the tally. It would have left her in despair, if she had a nobler heart. But deep down, she would be relieved if her sister lost. A foolish part of her held out hope they could all go home to Orthros and the Empire together.

The first people to approach them were Eudias and Ariadne. He clasped Lio’s wrist, and Lio gave him a grateful clap on the shoulder.

“We have set our preferred rumors in motion,” Eudias said. “There are plenty of people asserting the truth that Cassia is not under any spell.”

Ariadne took Cassia’s hands for all to see. “I’ve told everyone that Lio took you away to Hesperine healers to save your life.”

Cassia squeezed Ariadne’s fingers in thanks. “Does the Semna believe that?”

Chagrin entered Ariadne’s voice. “She attributes the situation to your success as a missionary. She considers Lio your first convert, inspired by his love for you to turn from the Hesperines’ permissive ways and submit himself to a holy marriage.”

“She is not against our match?” Lio asked.

“To be a wife is a different calling for Cassia,” Ariadne said, “but one the Semna is willing to bless. I’m afraid she may expect you to make a formal renunciation of Hespera, though.”

Cassia opened her mouth to say that was out of the question.

Lio held up a hand. “We can decide how to navigate that later. Tonight, I must end Cassia’s betrothal.“

Eudias and Ariadne sat down nearby, but there was still a swath of empty seats on either side of their party.

Then Sabina and Genie arrived, arm in arm, with Miranda as their attendant and Nivalis and Valentia as their companions. Cassia found her impassive mask suddenly required more effort. There were a few good opinions she had wanted to keep. Too late now. Her handful of hard-won friendships with the ladies of Tenebra were surely over, along with any hope of earning Miranda’s trust.

The ladies came to Solia’s side of the stands, but did not sit. After giving her their curtsies, they halted before Cassia and Lio. Cassia braced herself. Could they not have made it a quiet cut, instead of a public humiliation?

But to her astonishment, they gave her curtsies befitting a princess. Her surprise must have shown on her face, for Sabina looked rather outraged. “Did you think we would side with that idiot and the common gossips?”

“I would not have blamed you,” Cassia replied. “I will shoulder the consequences. I have no wish for others to suffer on my behalf.”

“Hadrians do not sit about and suffer. We inflict suffering on our enemies.” She held out her hand to Lio.

He bowed and kissed her knuckles. “You honor me, Lady Sabina.”

She glanced across the field to observe Flavian’s reaction. His stony expression didn’t disguise his flush of anger. “It’s the least I can do to thank you for knocking some sense into him.”

“Do try not to damage him too much, though,” Genie requested.

“I will give you no cause for grief tonight,” Lio promised.

Genie smiled. “I’ve grown quite fond of our fanged rooster, haven’t you, ladies?”

“Indeed,” Sabina said. “If you are the only Hesperine allowed to wed a mortal in Queen Solia’s reign, it will be progress. Let us make you our first exception in that regard.”

“Let there be no doubt where I stand,” said Lady Valentia. “My betrothal to a beast like Tyran should not be lauded while your love is reviled.”

Lady Nivalis’s eyes flashed. “What did everyone expect you to do last night? Let Princess Cassia die in propriety, rather than save her with Hesperine magic? If they knew where Pakhne is now, the gossips would not spare her, either. This court cares more about a woman’s reputation than her life.”

Lord Deverran arrived then and joined his wife. “Ambassador Deukalion, do you have a second for the duel yet?”

“I had thought to ask Lord Hoyefe,” Lio replied.

Lord Deverran bowed to Hoyefe. “With all respect for our Imperial allies, perhaps a show of Tenebran support would send a message tonight. If you will allow me?”

“Of course.” Lio clasped his arm. “You would have my gratitude.”

“I’m no spring buck, but I can still throw quite a punch. I somehow doubt you will need my assistance, though.”

“I have no illusions that I am a warrior. Sunfire Poison will reduce me to a mortal with more ink stains than callouses.”