Page 187 of Blood Gift


Tonight they approached Lord Hadrian’s camp at a pace that did not make Cassia fear tumbling off of Freckles. She was reassured by the sentry who greeted them. Rudhira himself manifested out of the shadows.

“Any sign of the Collector?” Lio asked.

Rudhira shook his head. “There’s not a necromancer or any other mage in this camp.”

Lio lowered his gaze. “And how is Pakhne?”

Rudhira sighed heavily. “The same. Any luck finding the letting site?”

“Not tonight.”

Cassia hated the discouragement in Lio’s voice.

“We’ve ruled out more locations, at least,” Mak said.

“Our search patterns are efficient,” said Lyros. “We’re covering ground quickly.”

“How are your symptoms?” Rudhira asked Cassia.

She reached over to squeeze Lio’s hand. “I’m not as tired, now that Lio and I can be more deliberate about the channeling.”

Rudhira nodded toward the camp. “If you can get rid of the mage at Patria as effectively as you did the ones here, Kalos could sneak in to help you search for the letting site.”

“I’m working on that,” Lio promised.

That was what worried Cassia.

Under veils, they rode past the Charge’s line of defense to find Lord Hadrian’s mortal sentries waiting. Callen stood in the lead of the other men who had witnessed Solia’s duel with their lord. Cassia sensed Lio alter his spells to reveal their party only to Callen and his men.

“My Hesperine allies are ready to ward the camp against necromancy,” Solia announced. “While they work, I hope Lady Hadrian will receive me in her tent.”

Callen bowed. “His Lordship has told Her Ladyship of your arrival. Allow me to escort you to her tent while the rest of my men accompany the spellcasters around the perimeter.”

Solia addressed the soldiers. “The Hesperine and Imperial delegations are here to protect us. Heed any instructions they give you while they cast their spells.”

The men bowed deeply.

Cassia pulled Freckles as close as she respectably could to Moonflower and lowered her voice. “I’d best go do some politicking in the weaving room while you cast your spells.”

Lio leaned closer, as if it were an effort to refrain from touching her. “If any danger arises, call to me in your mind.”

She raised a brow. “And if I did call to you while you were still casting, what would happen to your slow, difficult-to-create thelemantic ward?”

“They would collapse, and I would let them, if you needed me to come protect you.”

“We do not have time for your spells to collapse. It will take you most of the night to ward a camp of this size. If you have to start over, you’ll have to do it tomorrow night, and then everyone here would be left unprotected for yet another day.”

His jaw clenched. “Call me if there is danger. Promise me.”

She knew he wouldn’t budge from her side until she did. “I promise.”

He gave a reluctant nod and set off with their Trial brothers, Karege, and Tuura, escorted by the soldiers. Callen led Solia, Cassia, and Kella toward the center of camp.

As they rode along a deserted path behind a rose of tents, Solia asked, “Any words of advice for my first encounter with Lady Hadrian?”

“Only that she missed you,” Cassia said. “Your return will bring her as much joy as it has Lord Hadrian.”