Page 16 of Blood Gift

Lio felt a twinge of sympathy for Solia, but even more, an exhilarating sense of victory as he watched Cassia destroy everyone else’s plans for her life with a few words.

“Before Your Imperial Majesty, Empress over queens; before your sisters and brothers who rule the states of the Empire; before my royal kin from the Kingdom of Tenebra; and before the delegation from Orthros, let it be known. The only inheritance from my Tenebran ancestors that I claim is this: the magic of the Changing Queen. Here where Orthros’s matriarch Kassandra once stood before her sister the Empress, I make the same choice: I and all my descendants will be Hesperines, forever removed from the lines of mortal succession. I hereby abdicate from my throne.”

Solia surged to her feet. Fire churned in her aura, and her hand went to her belt, where there was no longer a sword for her to grasp. “Your Imperial Majesty—!” She stopped herself, seeming to fight for control, to search for words, when they had not been her weapon for a long time. “Tenebra is in dire need, and only our rightful queen can save us. My queen only needs time to adjust to her new role. I beseech you not to acknowledge her declaration.”

“Alas,” the Empress said gently, “it is done.”

“With respect, Your Imperial Majesty,” Solia said fiercely, “she has not abdicated before Tenebra’s Council of Free Lords. Tenebra has not relinquished her.”

The Empress beckoned to Lio. “Ambassador Deukalion, as a scholar and ally from Orthros, remind our court of the ancient law just invoked.”

He came to Cassia’s side and took her arm. “This precedent was established sixteen hundred years ago when Your Imperial Majesty’s ancestor reigned. The Empress at that time had a half-sister, whom her enemies sought to use to challenge her rule. For the good of all, that sister decided to gracefully withdraw to Orthros, where she is now Elder Firstblood Kassandra.”

“A peaceful solution to a dark time in our history,” the Empress agreed.

“Alas,” Lio went on, “Vardara, the land of Kassandra’s forefathers, would not acknowledge her renunciation of power. To prevent a violent succession crisis, Orthros and the Empire codified in their laws an alternative way for abdications to become legally recognized.”

The Empress nodded. “It was decreed that our friends from Orthros would play the honored role of neutral mediators in such times of tension. With Orthros and the Empire united in favor of Kassandra’s renunciation, Vardara had no choice but to accept it. I am certain Tenebra will find themselves in a similar position. Remind our court what is required for Princess Cassia’s abdication to be legal.”

Lio lifted a hand to indicate the gathering before the dais. “She must declare her intent before these witnesses: the Empress, a quorum of officials from other sister states, a Hesperine delegation, and a royal family member.”

Solia’s gaze burned a path from the Empress to the Ashes, from Cassia to Lio, and finally her own empty hands, which tightened into fists.

The Empress’s adviser struck her staff upon the floor of the Imperial court. “Let it be known across the lands under Her Imperial Majesty’s rule and foreign kingdoms that bow before her might. She who was once Crown Princess Cassia has no further claim on the throne of Tenebra and shall henceforth be welcomed in this court as Ambassador Cassia Komnena of Orthros.”

“Let it be known,” Mak echoed, “the defenders of Orthros’s laws will uphold this decision within our borders…”

“…and beyond,” Lyros finished, “everywhere that Hesperines roam.”

Cassia bowed to the Empress. “You have my gratitude.”

Relief ran deep in Lio. It was over. No one could ever try to put Cassia on the throne again. Not even her sister.

“Pup.” Solia’s tone lost all decorum, a naked plea. “Don’t let go of everything your mother wanted for you.”

“I haven’t, Soli. I will not shy from the difficult path of learning my magic. But that is a journey I must take in Orthros, with my Hesperines. Please, try to understand.”

“I do understand,” Solia replied, but there was no empathy in her words. Her anger felt like a carefully aimed fire spell, and her cherished sister was not her target. Her gaze fixed on Lio. “I see very clearly why you had to do this. Since Ambassador Deukalion is such an expert on the precedents Kassandra has set, I am sure he will appreciate it if I invoke another ancient tradition. Like Kassandra’s husband, I expect him to prove himself worthy by performing the Labors for the Matriarch.”

Lio had known Solia must be a brilliant strategist, but this confirmed it. She was trying to lay a trap for him. He would indeed have appreciated her asking him to perform the labors, if the matriarch in question were not a fire mage with a grudge against him.

Cassia cut in, her wariness sharp as thorns. “For those of us who do not have such expertise in Imperial tradition, perhaps my fellow ambassador can explain to us what these labors entail.”

Solia answered for him, a challenge in her eyes. “It is a ceremony in which a man who wishes for a union with a woman requests the blessing of the matriarch of her clan. I am your only surviving female relative. That means Ambassador Deukalion must petition me.”

Lio did not look away. Let Solia see he was willing to face any challenge for his Grace. “Your sister will set a series of tasks for me. When I succeed at the labors, she will grant us her blessing.”

Cassia’s aura flared with protest, but the Empress spoke first. “The two motherless daughters before us and their queenless kingdom have our protection, and it would please us to see Blood Komnena honor Cassia’s mortal matriarchs. But Ambassador Cassia is already a citizen of Orthros. We cannot require Ambassador Deukalion to perform the labors.”

“Your Imperial Majesty,” said Solia, “he wishes to take Tenebra’s rightful queen from the mortal world, to take my only kinswoman into his bloodline. Should he not be expected to earn that right?”

“Her bloodright as his partner is well known. Should he wish to fulfill your request, it must be his choice.”

Lio did not hesitate. He had promised Cassia and himself he would win her sister’s blessing. If he had to turn Solia’s trials into his negotiation table, so be it. “I welcome this opportunity to show my respect for Princess Solia and her adopted land through a time-honored Imperial tradition. I will gladly perform the labors for Cassia’s matriarch.”

Solia’s expression reminded him of the Empress a moment ago, that of a predator cornering her prey. Cassia’s unspoken objections sounded an alarm in Lio’s blood.

“A gracious gesture,” the Empress approved, “but one matter of the greatest import remains in question. Who is to wear Cassia’s crown?”