Solia observed him, the image of calm. “You do have a reputation as a scholar and sorcerer. And thelemancy is notoriously difficult to control. These are skills that would benefit Cassia.”
Solia was considering it. Progress. Lio had feared she might try to prevent his involvement in Cassia’s arcane legacy. Not that he would let that stop him. And not that she needed to know some of her little sister’s magic lessons involved erotic baths.
He took a sip of the strong Imperial roast, letting her deliberate, showing he was confident.
“I am inclined to accept,” she said, “on one condition.”
“How do you wish to modify the task?” Kassandra inquired.
“There is one expert I require Lio to collaborate with during this labor. The only person who can tell Cassia what Thalia wanted her to know about their magic. Me.”
This was no gesture of peace and harmony. Solia intended to keep an eye on him. Working closely with her might go about as well as any encounter between a Hesperine and open flame.
But as Lio had told Cassia, he would jealously guard his privileges as her Grace.
He raised his cup to Solia. “I look forward to the opportunity for us to support Cassia—together.”
“See to it that you put all that thelemantic mind of yours to the problem,” Solia said, “and theory isn’t enough. Keep up the training.”
“Of course. I would also like to call in other experts to advise Cassia when necessary. Will you still consider my labor fulfilled if I do so?”
“Cassia’s best interests are all that concern me,” Solia said. “Consult whoever you must, as long as you don’t let them do your work for you.”
The barb didn’t sting Lio, although Solia sounded like a sophia reminding sucklings not to shirk their lessons. There was no one who could do his work for him. Only Cassia’s Grace could fully aid her in this.
Kassandra pursed her lips. “I deem it necessary to agree on a duration for this task.”
Solia arched a brow in an expression that reminded him of Cassia. “I should be prepared for you to drive hard bargains, I see.”
“Of course. Cassia is indeed worth any challenge, but so is Lio. As his matriarch, it is for me to negotiate to his advantage.”
“How can we possibly set a duration on the task?” Solia protested. “We cannot predict precisely when Cassia’s magic will manifest.”
“That is what concerns me,” Kassandra replied. “If her magic takes more time than expected to appear, due to circumstances beyond Lio’s control, he should not be deprived of your blessing.”
“We have every reason to believe all three of her magics are on the verge of manifesting.”
“Matters of magic can often prove to be what you least expect.”
“Allow me to make another proposal,” Lio said. “As Cassia and I have already discussed, we must not undertake her Gifting until we have a proper understanding of her magic. Solia, would you consider my task fulfilled if we learn enough to be confident her magic will not pose any danger during her transformation?”
Solia shook her head. “I cannot agree to those terms. I don’t want her Gifted until she is in full possession of her magic.”
“I cannot agree to that.” Lio strove to keep his tone civil, despite how everything in him rebelled at Solia’s demand. “Her Gifting is likely to help her magic arrive.”
“Do you have evidence of any Hesperines with Lustra magic?” Solia countered. “Who is to say the Gifting wouldn’t prevent her affinities from awakening?”
Hespera’s Mercy, let that not be the case. Surely Solia was looking for excuses to delay. “Of course, we intend to research all of this before we make a decision. But I am not able to promise you I will not Gift her. I will not make that choice for Cassia. It is her decision when she will become a Hesperine.”
“A sacred decision,” Kassandra agreed.
Solia’s jaw tensed. “I will counsel her not to rush into anything.”
Lio bit back his urge to remind Solia that Cassia was a grown woman capable of—and entitled to—her own choices.
Solia still remembered Cassia as a seven-year-old child. When Zoe was grown, Lio would feel no less protective of her than Solia was of Cassia now.
“This calls for a compromise,” Kassandra said. “Cassia must choose the best time for her Gifting—before or after her magic arrives. I suggest you consider Lio’s task fulfilled when he has helped Cassia gather enough evidence to make an informed decision.”