Page 274 of Blood Gift

If he kept Miranda talking, would he learn something he could use against her? Or was every word she said merely another way to manipulate him?

He could only try, and pray that a Hesperine diplomat had what it took to stay one step ahead of a Gift Collector’s poisonous tongue.

“What have you done to Cassia?” he asked.

“I never underestimate my enemies.” Miranda circled the table again. When she reached toward Cassia, Lio’s heart leapt into his throat. But all Miranda did was lift Cassia’s eyelid, conjure a bright pinpoint of spell light, and peer into her eye. “I appreciate what a dangerous pair you are. I made sure you were both unconscious while I secured you. But I would hate for Cassia to miss this part. Let’s wake her, shall we?”

Miranda moved her hand over Cassia’s face, a finger’s breadth from Cassia’s skin. Cassia’s lashes rose slowly.

Miranda leaned over her. “This is the part where I explain the grand plan to you. I watch as the realization dawns on you that you are just a little fly caught in the web. I enjoy the taste of your fear. You die afraid. But that knowledge is a gift. Most people die in complete ignorance, unaware they were pawns every moment of their lives. But you get to understand the meaning of your own existence. You get to glimpse the Masters’ game that determines all our fates.”

The whites of Cassia’s eyes showed as she took in the sight of Miranda’s armor.

“Cassia,” Lio said. “I’m here. I’m with you.”

Gritting her teeth, she struggled against the straps, her heartbeat racing. Her instinctive fear and misery tore at his heart.

“Cassia, look at me.” Lio reached for her in their Union. Despite the poison in his blood, their Grace bond was strong and true. “Look at me.”

She turned her head and met his gaze. A tiny sigh of relief escaped her.

“I’m here,” he said again. “We’ll get through this together.”

“You want to be partners at my game board, I see. Very well. I accept your challenge, two against one.” Miranda strode over to Lio again.

A dagger appeared in her hand as if out of nowhere. The stone weapon looked ancient, like something from a time before the arts of metallurgy. Lio held very still.

She touched the tip of the blade to his lips. “Play by the rules, or I will have to penalize you. If Lio resigns from the game or violates a rule, I punish you, Cassia. And if you stop playing or break a rule, I punish Lio. It will be hard for your partner to help you answer questions if I cut out his famous tongue.”

“Do we learn the rules by playing,” Lio asked, “as in Kings and Mages?”

“Now you are catching on.” Miranda withdrew the knife and looked between them. “Will you play?”

Lio and Cassia both knew Miranda had offered them a choice that was no choice at all. They must take her deadly bargain.

“Whatever unknown steps we take,” he reminded Cassia, “we take them together.”

She gave a nod. “Glasstongue and the Brave Gardener.”

At her mention of Zoe’s name for her, it seemed she brought a blessing into this twisted place. A reminder of everything they were fighting for.

“We’ll play your game,” Lio said.

“Yes,” Cassia agreed. “We are ready.”


“We’ll begin with an easy question.” Miranda fitted her hand against Cassia’s breastbone.

Cassia froze. Lio kept his mouth shut so Miranda would not see his fangs. The Lustra magic screamed, but through its noise, all Lio sensed from Miranda was healing magic flowing into Cassia.

“Am I really a healer?” Miranda asked.

A moment of silence ensued. The undead crow pecked at the apple.

Cassia said carefully, “Lio, I think we should take Karege’s advice.”

They waited. No retaliation from Miranda. Apparently it was not against the rules to consult each other.