“What is the current state of the rumors circulating among the Council?” Cassia asked calmly. “I will not have anyone saying that Lio kidnapped me.”
“It’s far too late to characterize you as an innocent victim,” Solia returned. “You called him ‘Lio’ and embraced him before he disappeared with you.”
Where another person might have made a self-conscious gesture, Cassia only grew more deliberately composed. “Ah. I remember now. I was not particularly coherent, and it was pure instinct.”
Lio could see her taking in the reality of what had happened tonight, as if she were only now feeling a blow that had already landed. He heard her thoughts racing to conclusions.
Oh, Goddess. He had finally done it. He had destroyed her reputation. Could they have done anything differently tonight, with her life in danger? Or had it only been a matter of time before pure Grace instincts betrayed their bond?
Lio braced himself for Cassia’s reaction. But he was not prepared for the emotions that surfaced in her aura.
Relief. Defiance. “I’m glad they know.”
He sank down onto the bed beside her and kissed her hand. “They will not dare say a word against you once I am done.”
“I am not ashamed,” Cassia said. “Let them hate me for my true self, rather than love me for living a lie.”
“We have your backs,” Lyros said, “no matter the consequences for you both.”
“For Cassia,” Solia corrected. “The lords will be quicker to respect a Hesperine for his conquests than to forgive a mortal woman for her fall from grace.”
“I don’t care,” Cassia said. “I’ve heard it all before.”
“No, you have not yet heard the variations on whore-shaming they save for a Hesperine’s lover.” Solia stalked away, leaving the floor rug in ashes in her wake. “A few fire spells would silence them! I’d like to hear them gossip after I cauterize their tongues. That would make for a reign without protests.” She rounded on Lio. “Where was your diplomacy today? Did you learn nothing in the Imperial court about maintaining your self-control, even when her life is in danger?”
Lio found that the hotter Solia’s temper burned, the harder and colder his own grew. “Trial by Combat is sometimes the only type of negotiation that Tenebrans understand.”
“We are supposed to be reforming this kingdom, not encouraging its barbaric traditions. You beating my opponent senseless mere days before the Council will not bring about a civilized change of monarch. We all agreed to wear our costumes and play our roles. I will not make an exception for you!”
“This is one of the situations where you must trust my judgment. Remember Karege’s advice.”
“How dare you suggest you are better than I at ensuring my sister’s well being!”
“You’re jealous,” Lio realized.
“What are you talking about?” Solia scoffed.
Her scarf was secure around her shoulders, but Lio didn’t need the Blood Union to be certain of this. He was perhaps the only person who knew what it felt like. “I was jealous of every person who got to breathe the same air as Cassia while she and I were apart. I hate it when someone else has the privilege of protecting her. You feel the same way. That’s why it’s so difficult for you to like me.”
“Do not imagine this is about you,” Solia said with disdain.
“Now I get the satisfaction of putting a fist in your opponent’s face. I’m sorry, Solia. I wish you could draw your sword and humiliate Flavian, and I hope you will get to one day. But I will not apologize for doing whatever I must to free Cassia from him, even if it enrages you.”
“You are being selfish,” Solia bit out. “You’re indulging in this male contest for your own satisfaction while the court tears Cassia to shreds.”
“No, Solia. I’m not doing this for me. Cassia and I are doing it for you.”
“This is not how I planned to legitimize your relationship!”
“I could take her back to Orthros when all this is over, and to Hypnos with the Tenebrans’ opinions. The only reason we need to legitimize anything is because you want to be queen, and Cassia still wants to be your sister.”
“And what do you suggest instead?” Solia demanded. “That I hone my skills on training dummies in the peaceful arenas of Orthros while Lucis and the Collector knock Flavian out of their way and destroy this kingdom?”
“Are you two finished?” Cassia asked quietly.
At last remorse dulled Lio’s sense of conviction. The last thing she needed was to watch him and Solia break their truce.
“We cannot change any of our past decisions,” Cassia said, “no matter how much we want to. We can only act on the situation we find ourselves in now.”