“Certainly we should,” Nodora agreed.

Xandra and Kia slid their piles of correspondence across the table to Lio.

He looked at Cassia, who was silent. “I cannot in good conscience use a woman and child to manipulate or threaten him. I know you can’t, either.”

“No,” she said firmly. “There was a time when I would have, but that was another life. I won’t see a woman like my mother and a child like me become tokens in a political game, not even our own.”



1 Night After Winter Solstice


From behind his veil,Lio assessed the New Guest House with all his senses, careful not to alert any of the resident mages that the ambassador was paying them a visit. “Have the Cordians stirred at all within the wards?”

Lyros smirked, leaning in the doorway of the gallery. “Skleros, Chrysanthos, and Tychon haven’t twitched an eyebrow.”

“Wise choice.” Cassia gazed at the door of the common room with the eye of a field commander preparing for a siege.

“I’m disappointed.” Mak bared his fangs. “I hope they give us an excuse.”

“Grace-Mother is in the corridor,” said Lyros, “to ensure we behave ourselves. She’s maintaining individual wards around each of the mages. They are not permitted contact with one another.”

Mak’s lip curled. “What an adjustment for the Flower of Cordium to do without his shoe-shiner. Do you suppose he knows how to put on his clothes without Tychon to serve him?”

“He knows how to clothe his nephew,” Lyros reminded his Grace.

Mak gritted his teeth.

“What about Eudias?” Cassia asked.

Mak huffed. “He’s the only twitchy one.”

Lyros nodded, his brow furrowed. “One moment he’s pacing and fidgeting all about his room, the next he’s listless in bed as if he’s ill.”

Cassia frowned. “I hope he’s all right. As glad as I am to be relieved of his constant presence, I am sorry for his situation.”

“As am I,” Lio agreed. “Although we must include him in his masters’ house arrest, he has done nothing to deserve it.”

“Except be a war mage,” Mak said.

“He didn’t have a choice about that,” Cassia pointed out.

Lio shook his head. “Anthros excels at violating the Will of everyone, including his own worshipers.”

Lyros sighed. “Unfortunately, that makes it necessary for the Stand to restrict Eudias as well.”

“Mother’s orders,” said Mak, “and that’s that.”

“Kadi is on border patrol again,” Lyros informed them. “Tonight and tomorrow, Grace-Mother has tasked Mak and me with the lords. We are ready for anything. Nothing will interfere with your shadow summit.”

“How glad I am we are facing the end of this Summit together,” Cassia said. “I think we’re ready.”

“Our first negotiation at Rose House awaits.” Lio offered her his arm.

She accepted, standing an intimate, but discreet distance from him. “Thank you for doing this.”