“You are not to be read for garden magic first?”

Lio and Cassia stood up straighter. The Second Princess had joined her mothers.

Lio bowed to her. “I’m so glad you could be here tonight, Aunt Kona. I didn’t know if we could expect you this year. You have many responsibilities on this important night. It is an honor that you spared the time.”

The princess held one of the many glass figurines Lio had cast, with Zoe’s input, as presents for any unexpected guests for whom he had not prepared personal gifts. The Second Princess turned the small, milky-white goat over in her hands. “Sixth Fifthgift Konstantina will be quite charmed by this.”

“I’m delighted Blood Konstantina’s newest suckling will be the recipient of one of my Gift Night favors. But I hope you received my gift for you.”

She arched her brows. Apparently she had not expected a gift any more than he had expected her as a guest.

“The glass planter I crafted for you should be at your residence by now.”

“That must have arrived when I wasn’t at home. Thank you, Lio. I will see it as soon as I return. Speaking of planters, Cassia, how are your roses faring?”

“The first blooms are ready, whenever you’d like to see them.”

“Well done. Do you not find them a better reward for your efforts than a crown?”

Lio looked from the princess to his Grace. By the look on Cassia’s face, she was as surprised as he was.

Konstantina’s mouth curved. “Am I the only one who perceived your ultimate goal?”

“You and Kassandra,” Cassia answered. “Flavian will not change Tenebra the way I planned to…but Tenebra will not change him.”

“Have no regrets. Your accomplishments in Orthros over the coming centuries will outshine anything you could have achieved from that little throne.”

“Thank you for your invitation to an affinity reading with the Circle of Rosarians. I would be honored to accept.”

“Hmph,” said Konstantina in Uncle Argyros’s direction, but she was smiling. “I understand someone else has made a previous claim on you. I might have known you would press your unfair advantage, Argyros.”

With a triumphant chuckle, Uncle Argyros put an arm around Cassia’s shoulders. “The Circle of Thelemancers has the first claim on her, of course.”

“Do not be so quick to think you are the only circle that will vie for her talent. It is entirely possible she has a dual affinity.”

“Oh, thorns,” said Cassia. “I’m only just getting used to the idea I might have one.”

Konstantina unfastened a scroll from her sash and held it out to Cassia. “Allow me to present you with another invitation for after your affinity readings. I think we would work well together.”

“I must dissent,” Uncle Argyros interjected. “You may not secure the position of service mentor to Cassia before she has even discovered her magic. However impressed you may be with her aptitude for strategy, there is no question that I, as a member of the family, would be most suitable to mentor her in politics. You must forgo the pleasure of grooming her as a magistrate, for I insist she be the next young Hesperine I welcome into diplomatic service.”

Cassia looked at him, her aura full. “You wish me to be your next initiate?”

“I sincerely hope you will consider it,” Uncle Argyros said, “although I think we must start you out as a full ambassador, in light of your accomplishments.”

“What do you say?” Lio asked her. “Shall we partner for a career in diplomacy?”

“I…” Cassia hesitated. “I had thought I might become a gardener.”

“That is a craft, not a service.” Konstantina handed her scroll to Cassia. “Regardless of what your magic proves to be, you will be most welcome in the Circle of Rosarians, the most prestigious of Orthros’s circles dedicated to gardening. I shall not stand by and watch you waste away among Argyros’s fruit trees. You must allow me to mentor you in your craft.”

Lio recognized the look in Cassia’s eye when she was ready for a challenge.

“I accept,” she said without hesitation.

“We will begin as soon as the embassy scurries back to their mortal burrows. Expect another scroll from me.” With that, Konstantina turned to sample one of Uncle Argyros’s coffees.

“Aunt Kona,” Lio added, pulling a quick veil around their conversation, “how is Ioustin?”