“I just have to be mortal a little longer.” She swallowed. “I have to let them think I’m still Tenebran.”

“It won’t be long now.” He cupped her cheek in his hand.

“Next year, Lio. I will be there.”

“We will partake of the sacred Drink together. It is a wondrous experience, when every Hesperine in Orthros is welcome in the Queens’ own Ritual hall at House Annassa.”

“I just realized you and Annassa Alea have the same Gift Night.”

“I feel extraordinarily blessed to share my beginning with her and our kind.” Lio sighed. “However, I talked with my parents about canceling my Gift Night celebration. It hardly seems appropriate to hold festivities at a time like this. We finally agreed to go ahead, though, for it would burden our tributaries to delay providing them with the gifts they need for the coming months.”

“At a time like this, I think we should do all we can to keep everyone’s spirits up. A stranger to happiness such as myself does not say that lightly.”

“For a stranger to happiness, you give a great deal to those around you. I have looked forward to my Gift Night since the moment you arrived.”

“You mentioned you had something special in mind.”

“I want you at my side while I present my gifts to everyone, which will signify to all of Blood Komnena’s tributaries what you and I ‘cannot say.’ Everyone will know we have acknowledged our bond to one another, although we cannot tell anyone else yet. You see, avowal is essentially a verbal profession before our people that we have discovered we are Graced. We have but to say it aloud, and it is legally binding. We want to save that for the ceremony.”

She put a hand over her mouth. “I’m so glad you’re explaining this to me before we leave the bath.”

His grin returned momentarily. “I feel like shouting it from the top of the Observatory, too. But for now, we can only speak of it privately to the immediate family, which doesn’t invoke a formal tie. For example, you can call Zoe Grace-sister at home, but you can’t call Mak Grace-cousin yet, unfortunately. If anyone asks, just tell them you ‘can’t say’ or we’re ‘not saying,’ and they’ll know what you mean.”

“We all but shouted it from the podium last night.”

“To be sure, last night’s Circle will leave no doubt in anyone’s mind, but there are certain traditions and formalities to be observed…and the fact is, I want to enjoy every moment of them.”

“I will be honored to stand at your side before our bloodline’s tributaries tonight. We will revel in it.”

“Just wait until you see what the couriers have brought you. I’ve heard them dropping messages in the entry hall since the moment moon hours began.” He cocked his head. “There comes a dozen more.”

“Surely you’re receiving Gift Night wishes.”

“Most people will express those in person. The messages are for you. I’ll show you…after another minute in the bath. Just a minute longer.”

“It’s your Gift Night. You deserve more than just a minute.”

They lingered in the bath and washed with each other’s soap. At last they trailed puddles over the cerulean-patterned floor tiles on their way to the geomagical drying corner, where they stood fondling one another in the soothing warmth that drifted out from deep in the ground. When they returned to the library, she saw to Knight while Lio made their coffee. So easy to fall into this rhythm. So astonishing to realize every night could begin just like this.

They carried their coffee and breakfast up to the top of the tower again, into the shelter and privacy of their Sanctuary ward. Lio fed her hearty Orthros fare more diligently than ever.

“You fed me all night, but this is nice too.” She still felt the vicarious sense of satisfaction she had experienced as he had drunk his fill from her with their minds joined, although her stomach rumbled.

“You cannot live on pleasure,” he reminded her, “yet.”

“Now I understand your determination to poke me full of cassia pastries.”

“I take your nourishment very seriously.” All trace of humor was gone from his face. “Providing for you is my responsibility, whether mortal needs or Hesperine ones.”

“I love being your Grace. My responsibility to provide for you is such great fun.”

When she couldn’t hold another bite, they rounded up their scattered clothes. She had never found it so difficult to don a Tenebran gown. But she also wore the secret of his braid, so powerful and yet so light to carry. He knelt before her and slid her enchanted silk shoes onto her feet, teasing her ankle with a finger where his braid was hidden under her stocking.

She carefully folded her new black formal robe. “Would this be appropriate for me to wear to your Gift Night?”

“It would be divine. You conspired with Kassandra, I could see. In fact, I couldn’t stop looking. I suppose I must now let you out of my sight—momentarily—so you can put in an appearance at Rose House.”

With a sigh, she put the rose-embroidered robe safely in the tapestry bag from Kassandra. “While you go to Ritual, I’ll make sure the embassy has no cause for suspicion.”