A giggle startled Cassia. She glanced down. From under the pristine white tablecloth, Zoe, Aurora, and Moonbeam peeked out, smudges of dirt on their faces. Zoe looked up at Lio and wiggled her fingers, motioning at herself.

Lio smiled at his little sister. Cassia sensed his magic at work, and then Zoe disappeared.

“They’re playing veil and step,” Lio murmured. “Aunt Lyta is it. No one stands a chance.”

“Is it cheating for your big brother to use his magic to help you?” Cassia asked.

“Oh, no. Unlike in the gymnasium, any and all magic is allowed in children’s games. Funny thing is, they only get more fun as you grow up and get more powerful.”

“If your uncle is playing, too, then I doubt we’ll find him before my gift to him needs transplanting again.”

“Uncle is on the tree bench with Thenie,” came Zoe’s whisper from under the table. “Are you giving him his Solstice Gift right now?”

“Yes,” Lio answered. “Why don’t you bring the rest of the family to the tree bench when your game is over?”

“All right.”

Cassia kept a hand on the veiled gift to guide it along while Lio levitated it before them. It would have been too heavy for her to carry, even with all the strength she had built up gardening. Hand-in-hand, they descended from the terrace and went into the orchard.

They hadn’t gone far when she spotted Lyta leaning against a pomegranate tree. The Guardian of Orthros grinned and put a finger to her lips, pointing above her. Cassia could make out a curly head hidden among the pomegranates. Suddenly Lyta levitated and grabbed Bosko’s shoulders. He let out a startled yell, then a laugh, and tumbled out of the tree.

A cocoon of shadow broke his fall, and he hit the ground running. He made it about three paces before Lyta caught up to him and snatched him up in her arms. To Cassia’s surprise, he didn’t struggle to get away. He just kept laughing and kept letting her hold him longer than necessary.

“One down!” Lyta crowed. “One to go.”

“Three, if you count the goats.” Bosko dusted off his hands. “I’ll help you find them!”

“We may be outnumbered, but we shall triumph. Let us interrogate these innocent bystanders. Perhaps they saw something.” Lyta crossed her arms and strolled toward Cassia and Lio.

“If we did,” Lio replied, “we are honor bound not to reveal what we know.”

“We are but pilgrims on our way to the tree bench,” Cassia said, “bearing a Solstice Gift.”

Aunt Lyta’s smile wavered. “A kind thought for tonight. Argyros will appreciate it.”

“I have a gift for both of you.”

“Doubly kind. I’ll be along in just a moment.”

Bosko tugged his grandmother’s sleeve. “This way. I’ll show you one of Zoe’s favorite hiding places.”

He turned and loped toward the terrace. Lyta winked at Lio and Cassia, then followed her grandson.

Lio and Cassia went onward to the center of the orchard, where a stone bench ringed the starflake tree Argyros had said was the first and oldest on his grounds. The founding tree’s modest size belied its age. Its smooth trunk and pristine fruits appeared fresh as new snow. In the shelter of its branches, Argyros sat with Thenie on his lap.

Thenie never met anyone’s gaze, but here she was, looking right into her grandfather’s eyes while she made sounds. He listened to her with rapt attention and a delighted smile, nodding occasionally. It occurred to Cassia that someone who loved the child without reserve, who was also an ancient thelemancer, could probably understand what went on in Thenie’s mind as no one else could.

“Cassia, Lio.” Argyros looked up, resettling Thenie on his lap. “To what to do I owe this unexpected pleasure?”

Lio gave Cassia an encouraging touch on the shoulder.

She cleared her throat. “I thought this would be a good time to give you my Solstice Gift.”

Argyros’s expression, so often unreadable, softened into surprise. “How kind of you, Cassia.”

It wasn’t long before Lyta and Bosko joined them under the old starflake tree. Bosko’s attention went to Thenie. Argyros handed her to her brother, and Bosko, without any sullen looks, gave a nod that look suspiciously like a gesture of thanks. Thenie was clearly the Equinox Oath in Bosko’s relationship with their grandfather. A moment later, Zoe came along the path with Kadi and Javed in tow, and they too gathered around the tree bench.

Cassia looked at Lio. He nodded, and the gift became visible.