“Then don’t let it happen. Don’t surrender. Come to the circle, where we will make a plan to save her.”

Now Ioustin looked at Lio, and his gaze cleared. His hand came to rest on Lio’s shoulder.

He was shaking. “Thank you, Lio. Let us…let us go to the circle. As soon as Lyta returns.”

Lio put his hand over Ioustin’s. “We’ll go together.”

The grip of Ioustin’s gauntlet was heavy as he leaned on Lio for support.

The shadows in the corridor shook with Aunt Lyta’s arrival. “Thank you again for keeping watch while I broke my fast, Ioustin. I prefer to be at my full power at all times when dealing with the Dexion.”

“A teaspoon of your power would be enough, but I was happy to assist.”

As she glanced from him to Lio, her gaze softened. “I see I am not the only one fortunate in your support tonight.”

Lio did not correct her assumption that he was here to seek his Ritual father’s counsel. Ioustin said nothing as he released Lio and straightened.

“Are you all right, Lio?” Aunt Lyta asked.

Ioustin answered for him. “He should not have had to bear tonight’s events, but the way he has done so is a credit to Orthros and our Goddess.”

Aunt Lyta put a hand on each of their shoulders. “May her Eyes light a path to safety for the hostages. I will not keep you two from the circle any longer.” If she was thinking of Nike, there was no waver in her grip or voice to give it away. She took up her watch at the Dexion’s door in the ready stance of her statue in the harbor, her Will unwavering as stone.

Lio prayed for strength like hers and wished he were as confident in his role in tonight’s events.

When Ioustin stepped away, Lio hurried to follow. He would keep his promise not to leave Ioustin’s side until he was sure his Ritual father was truly going to the circle and not seeking another route to endanger himself.

Ioustin did not veil himself on the way. They arrived side by side at the foot of the stairs leading up to the Queens’ Terrace.

“You’d best go get Cassia,” Ioustin said. “I’ll see you both in a moment.”

Lio waited until his Ritual father made it to the top of the steps. He listened to the Queens greet their son.

Relief made Lio’s knees feel weak. His Ritual father was safe. For the moment.

Lio must now save the hostages.

How much could Aithourian wards hurt, really? They weren’t true wards, he knew, not like the protective magical barriers cast by mages of Anthros who had the affinity for warding magic. No, Aithourians were war mages, and they had devised very effective, very painful ways of using their fire spells as armed defenses. If true wards were the walls of a fortress, battle wards were the rows of stakes all over the field leading up to it. And the fire arrows raining from the ramparts. And the boiling oil coming down through the murder holes.

Lio had felt the pain of Dalos’s fire magic. He had even survived the Craving for half a year. He could surely withstand interrogating the Dexion.

But if he didn’t?

He was the sole bearer of the knowledge that Hypnos was tempting Ioustin.

Lio must warn someone now.


Lio veiled himself again,retreating from the terrace to the shadows under the royal evergreens. He must hurry, but he must not sacrifice discretion.

He knew to whom he could and should entrust Ioustin’s private battle. Konstantina had the knowledge and power to save her brother. But how to approach her? She would already be on the terrace, advising the circle on legal precedents relevant to the unprecedented hostage situation.

As the city bells rang, an idea occurred to him. He counted the chimes. There was just enough time before the last couriers went home to their youthful Slumber.

Lio cast a red-and-white spell light that would not be visible from the terrace. He had barely pulled his writing supplies out of his scroll case when a courier appeared. He remembered her from a few weeks ago, when she had delivered notes to his Trial circle. She covered a jaw-cracking yawn with one hand, her eyelids drooping.

When she saw where the summons had brought her, she grew more alert and beamed at Lio. “A summons to House Annassa? What a way to finish the night! How can I help you, Firstgift?”