“Prisma Alea is not a statue,” Lio said.

The top thorn of the Firstblood Rose pointed straight to the Queens. To the rows upon rows behind them filled with the royal bloodlines. To all the power Annassa Soteira had built beyond the temple where her Grace’s Gift had begun.

Lio informed the embassy of the arrangements Cassia already knew. “Your seats await you on the Circle floor. Each of you will have a place before one of our bloodlines befitting the part of Tenebra you call home. Solorum’s royal representative shall sit before our royal family.”

She gave him a deep curtsy. “I hardly know what to say, Ambassador. I am highly unaccustomed to such honors. You recall my seat at last year’s Summit.”

“This is not the Equinox Summit, Lady Cassia, and we are not in Tenebra. This is the Solstice Summit in Orthros. Allow me to escort you to your place of honor before our Queens.”

Cassia’s shoulders were tense as they prepared to descend from the gallery, and she held her skirts tightly in her fists. He could sense her bracing herself against the anxiety that beset all of them who were young and trying to add their voices to this ancient chorus. He had counseled her thoroughly in preparation for this night, but this was not the circle on the Queens’ Terrace, and there was no preparation that could make one immune to the splendor of all the firstbloods.

Xandra and Nodora smiled encouragement from below, and Kia waited with stacks of notes in front of her, ready to subtly cue Cassia and Lio about any historical facts they forgot. Mak and Lyros stood guard behind the embassy. Lio hoped Cassia would draw as much confidence as he did from their friends.

The Queens nodded to Konstantina. Lio could only imagine the Second Princess’s reluctance as she acquiesced to her mothers and signaled Lio.

“The Circle is ready for us,” he announced.

Mak led the eastern Tenebrans away, and Lyros commandeered those from the west, while the northern Tenebrans had the honor of being escorted by Lio’s mother. A small army of Kassandra’s Ritual tributaries approached the southern Tenebrans—and surrounded the mages.

Lio met the Dexion’s gaze. “In honor of Cordium, where we were once neighbors and all our cults began, our colleagues from Tenebra’s temples of Kyria, Chera, Anthros, and Hypnos shall sit before the southern section.”

The smoke in Tychon’s aura suggested he was about to erupt in defense of his master’s authority over the Summit, or perhaps to reiterate their ruse that they had nothing to do with Cordium. What worried Lio more was that Chrysanthos calmly put a staying hand on his apprentice’s shoulder. The Dexion acquiesced to his and Cassia’s seating arrangements without protest. He had sacrificed the throne to the hounds like a strategist who intended to bring the sun into play.

When one group of mortals was in position at the top of each of the five aisles, Lio led Cassia, Knight, Perita, and Callen downward. In five processions, the embassy descended into the amphitheater between the ranks of firstbloods and their bloodlines. All along the way, the Hesperines who had welcomed, celebrated, and challenged the mortals since their arrival in Orthros turned in their seats or stood to greet them, as they would Hesperines arriving to join the Circle.

At each friendly word, Lio felt Cassia’s tension easing. She must see this tapestry of power was made up of familiar faces. She must feel, as he did each time he spoke here, that she had a right to be here. That she was amongherpeople, unlike when she had braved a hostile crowd of Tenebran warriors to win a few moments of their time at the men’s council table at Solorum. By the time they reached the chairs between the podium and the royal seats, where Cassia gave the Queens a deep curtsy, Lio could tell her knees were no longer shaking.

Konstantina spoke Vulgus in the Firstblood Circle for the first time in Orthros’s history. “Lady Cassia, on behalf of our beloved Queens, as their eldest daughter and the voice of their Will, I bid you and each of our guests from Tenebra welcome to the Firstblood Circle of Orthros.”

“For inviting us to attend the highest governing body of your land, you have our gratitude.”

“No mortals from your part of the world have ever set foot in the Firstblood Circle, save those who await their Gifting. Tonight, just as we have often welcomed mortal dignitaries from the Empire to treat with the firstbloods, so too do we now welcome you, Tenebra’s embassy. May these nights of negotiation bring about a successful conclusion of the Solstice Summit and the promising beginning of a new era.”

“We hope to set a precedent tonight that will benefit us all.”

Konstantina nodded to Lio. “Ambassador Deukalion, Firstgift Komnenos. The Annassa empower you to act as master of ceremonies and call forth each speaker.”

He bowed to her. “Thank you, Royal Firstblood Konstantina, Second Princess.”

Although Lio could not touch Cassia, he filled her mind with encouragement as he seated her. Her response was a flare of determination that warmed him as surely as her blood. She reached into her worn oilcloth satchel, which she wore, garden stains and all, with her formal gown in Tenebra’s royal colors of blue and gold. She pulled out the notes she had painstakingly penned for this occasion over many weeks.

As Lio ascended the podium, he withdrew his own notes from his scroll case. He unrolled the program for the evening before him, with his proposal and his list of Cassia’s deeds tucked behind it, just on principle. How far they had come.

My Goddess, it still amazes me how, through these events, you have brought the two of us to such prominent seats before this exalted circle. I am glad you are with me in my blood at the final step on the path, as at the first.

“Princess Konstantina,” he said, “I am ready.”

She addressed the crowd. “The Goddess hears all of us, from the mightiest firstblood to the smallest child, Hesperine and human, her own and those who worship other gods. Let all Hesperines remember, and let it be known among our guests, that this is the law of Orthros: in this circle, everyone may speak, and everyone must be heard. Any may take the stand, and their words shall be considered and voted upon by each bloodline. While the final vote rests with the firstbloods, the young are not voiceless, but may make their wishes known through demonstrations of partisanship. While the final determination of Orthros’s path rests with the Hesperines, Tenebra is not voiceless here and shall join with us in deciding our joined futures.” She took her seat and nodded for Lio to continue.

He looked all around him, this time at careworn, sun-blemished mortal foreheads as well as familiar Hesperine ones. Quick human hearts fluttered among the slow, powerful pulse of Hesperine blood.

Lio began, “Annassa, Firstbloods, and heirs of the blood, and guests from Tenebra, thank you for hearing me under the Goddess’s Eyes. By Alatheia’s light, I shall strive to speak only truth, according to my conscience, and I ask that our Tenebran guests do the same, speaking their truth according to their consciences with their gods as their witnesses. Make the circle petition at any time to indicate you wish to participate in negotiations.” Lio extended his hand on the podium before him, palm up in offering. “If we run out of time for everyone’s contributions tonight, rest assured the discussion will continue for many nights to come. With orderly and respectful proceedings, all shall have the opportunity to speak for their lands or temples. It shall be considered how relations between Orthros and Tenebra affect each and every one of those under your care—your lieges and vassals, families and comrades, mages and worshipers.”

Although the mortals had been in Orthros these many weeks, they had not run out of surprise. Murmurs went up, heads bent together, and Lio’s ears brought him hints of many spontaneous speeches being prepared in light of this revelation that all would have a say. The mages of Kyria and Chera spoke amongst themselves most busily of all. This would be quite a different Summit than last year’s, indeed.

Lio went on, “Allow me to first submit my own people’s terms for you to consider and debate as the negotiations progress. Orthros’s hopes for this Summit are simple. As you have witnessed in our homes and libraries, our music and arts, our warriors and healers, we have in common with you the deepest regard for tradition. We desire only to keep Orthros and Tenebra’s traditions strong.

“In this spirit, we ask that Tenebra join us in renewing the age-old Oath that has always benefitted both our peoples. Let the Solstice Oath echo the words of the Equinox Oath. Let this resurrection of our treaty stand witness to my people’s reverence for human life, to which we remain committed in the field in Tenebra as surely as in our own Healing Sanctuary. Let us give you our solemn vow to never lift a finger against your ways, just as we have rejoiced to see your ways brought to life here within our own borders. In return, we beseech you to promise us the safety of our Hesperines errant, who strive only to protect both our peoples from the dangers of this world.