Kalos ran his hands along Knight’s shoulders, back, and rump. “Well, look at your conformation, Sir. You are Solorum Royal through and through, except…” Kalos took one of Knight’s paws in his hand. “That’s quite a footprint for a palace hound. I think a randy Severitan had a roll in the kennels with one of your fine lady ancestors.”

“You’re exactly right.” She relaxed and smiled at Kalos. “A few generations ago, a Lord of Severitas gifted a stud to the then-king to add hardiness to the royal pedigree. The crown waged a lot of mountain campaigns in those days. You do know your dogs. You must have spent time with liegehounds before you came to Orthros.”

The pleasure in his eyes faded. “I had a hound of my own.”

She gentled her tone. “Losing them is as hard for us as losing us is for them.”

He shrugged. “I imagine it was easier on him this way. Always thought he’d rather go down fighting than live on in a world where his master is a Hesperine.”

“I don’t believe that.”

Kalos scratched Knight’s chin. “You think his liege bond might have survived my Gifting?”

“Master Arkadia partnered with Knight for a round of training exercises in Hippolyta’s Gymnasium.”

Kalos’s eyes widened, and he shook his head.

“What pedigree was your hound from?” Cassia asked.

Now Kalos scratched the base of Knight’s tail and watched the hound wag it. She wasn’t sure the Hesperine errant would reply.

“Same pedigree as mine,” Kalos said at last. “But now I’m a Ritual tributary of the Charge, and that’s my bloodline. Fine thing about the past—it stays behind you.”

“I apologize. I did not intend to cross the veil.”

“Look at liegehounds laying down beside Hesperines,” Rudhira said. “There are no prejudices in this room, Kalos.”

“You’re a wonder,” Kalos told Knight.

“Cassia is going to tell you a great deal about her past,” Rudhira added. “She knows Hespera’s verdict upon you. You survived your Gifting.”

Kalos kept looking at her hound. “I was a heart hunter.”

She hoped Kalos did not misinterpret the surprise he must sense in her aura. She wanted to tell him he had just restored a great deal of her faith in humankind. If a heart hunter could become a Charge scout, there must be no lost causes after all.

If a heart hunter could survive the Gifting, then surely a hardened survivor of the king’s court could, too.

She knelt down and stroked Knight, her hand just inches from Kalos’s. “I was a palace bastard who might have sold out anyone to save my own skin had Hesperines not shown me kindness. Instead, I am a traitor to the King of Tenebra and an advocate for Orthros.”

Kalos met her gaze for the first time. He had kind green eyes.

“Kalos disobeyed his hornbearer’s orders to raze a village,” Rudhira said. “His warband turned on him. His hound fought to the last, defending him against his former comrades, and fell at his feet. I am sorry we were too late to save such a faithful companion.”

“The band left me in the remains of the village,” said Kalos. “Staked me out for the Hesperines. See how they answered.”

A smile ghosted across Rudhira’s face. “Now Kalos devotes his skill for tracking Hesperines to finding those of us who go missing Abroad.”

“I’m sorry it was so hard for you to get here,” Cassia said, “but I’m glad you made it.”

“Allow me to thank you,” Lio said. “On behalf of my family, you have our gratitude for your dedication in searching for Nike.”

Kalos got to his feet and looked to the prince. “The trail will go cold yet again if I let it out of my sight for long.”

Rudhira gazed at Alkaios. “We must trust Nike to protect herself awhile longer. I must retask you to find Nephalea.”

“My Prince, it’s my duty to advise you what your orders will cost. You’ve other scouts tracking Nephalea, and their skill is equal to the task. I’ll be of greater use to you if I continue to search for your Trial sister.”

“I know, Kalos. You are the only person who has even the slightest chance of finding Nike.” Rudhira let out a hopeless, affectionate laugh. “She is expert at using our own strategies against us. The first Master Steward of the Stand, with her mother’s warding and her father’s thelemancy, with nearly sixteen hundred years of life experience and eight hundred as a Hesperine errant, does not wish to be found.”