Chrysanthos stood where he was, seething. Would he make this difficult after all?

At last the Dexion continued down the gallery. “You and I are not done here.”

When they entered the main hall, a table full of watchful gazes and hostile auras greeted the Dexion. Lio hounded him to the seat they had prepared for him across from Cassia, flanked on either side by the Tenebran mages. Lio remained standing in the Dexion’s blind spot. Chrysanthos lowered himself into the seat with great dignity, but he squinted and grimaced when the beacon shone in his eyes.

Cassia got to her feet, silhouetted against the window. “Welcome, Dexion Chrysanthos, to Cordium’s first and only negotiation with Orthros and Tenebra’s Acting Council of Free Lords.”

Chrysanthos laughed. “What is this self-important nonsense?”

Cassia held up the document in front of her. “Here is the written attestation of the treaty between Orthros and Tenebra, which bears the blood of the Annassa and the elder firstbloods.”

Benedict glared at the Dexion. “I am sure you will easily recognize the seals of Hadria, Segetia, and every free domain in Tenebra represented in this embassy.”

“As well as the glyphs of the Tenebran mages of Anthros, Kyria, and Chera,” Master Gorgos boomed.

“Thisis your attempt at a winning move, Basilis?” The Dexion gestured at the document. “You are as foolish as I first believed, after all. How long do you think your pretty piece of paper will last when you are once more in your father’s domain?”

Cassia smiled. “It won’t be his domain after the free lords revoke their mandate from him.”

“Oh, I see now. It turns out you are merely another bitter, ungrateful bastard out for vengeance like all the rest. Shame. You could have been someone more interesting—and lived longer.”

“I am going to outlive you, unless you let us help you.”

“I need not remind you the king has cleaned up rebellions before.”

“With the help of Aithourian siege engines,” Benedict said. “We know how long your circle has been violating the Law of Neutrality and the Law of Sword and Spell.”

Chrysanthos drummed his fingers on the table. “I see you learned something from your study of Hephaestion, Sir Benedict.”

“You don’t even deny it?” Benedict shot back.

“It will not stand!” Master Gorgos shook a finger at the Dexion. “Apostasy within Corona itself!”

“The good mages of Tenebra will not tolerate such treatment of the people under our care,” the Semna said.

“You have pushed Tenebra too far,” Lord Gaius warned. “Prepare yourself, for Anthros’s Aegis shall push back.”

“Dexion.” Cassia’s hushed tone echoed through the shadows, and even Lio, who knew her voice so well, shivered in surprise. “Have you heard the Tale of the Cruel Inquisitor and the Kind Inquisitor?”

Chrysanthos turned his head in Lio’s direction. “There is no cruel Hesperine in the tale.”

Cassia’s laughter could have seduced Hypnos into his own realm. “Ambassador Deukalion is the kind one.”

Lio smiled. “Before we begin, I will explain the rules of this negotiation. Noncombatants have immunity. Regardless of tonight’s outcome, no innocent women or children will be involved.”

Cassia withdrew Chrysanthos’s letter box from her gardening satchel and set it on the table.

Fury erupted in the man’s aura. “How dare you!”

Lio levitated the box across the table. “Do not regret that your letters came into my hands and made a testament to your character. Against all odds, I no longer believe you to be a man without honor. I shall even go so far as to rest my hopes on an appeal to your conscience.”

As soon as the box came within Chrysanthos’s reach, he snatched it to him and snapped it shut. “You are wasting your breath.”

“Recall that Hesperines don’t need to breathe.” Lio began to pace behind Chrysanthos. “I could do this all night, and I will, if that’s what it takes to reach an agreement.”

“My terms will not change.”

“The Order of Anthros’s terms won’t, I am sure, but what about yours? I can secure for you a life you cherish, if only you will restore the lives I cherish.”