“Lio, go home.”

“The Dexion may have surrounded himself with a fortress of Anthros’s own fire, but I have no doubt I can retrieve what I seek. It’s not that I underestimate the challenge of breaking through Aithourian battle wards. I simply don’t care what it costs me. I can do this. I will do this. Whether there will be anything left of Chrysanthos’s mind by the time I am done, I cannot say. I hope there isn’t.”

“It isn’t necessary,” Rudhira said.

“You have a better plan?”

“The matter is taken care of. Please go tell the circle I will be late. Reassure the Queens I won’t be long.”

Dread closed around Lio and disturbed the tendrils of darkness he held near. “Rudhira…what are you going to do?”

“My mothers called me home to help resolve the stalemate regarding the captive Hesperines errant, and that is what I intend to do. When Orthros calls upon me, they must be prepared for how I will answer.”

“I see.” Lio waited to see if his conscience would intervene. He found his Will only pushed him onward. “If that is your intention, then our success is assured. The Dexion’s Will is no match for your means of persuasion combined with mine.”

“Lio! I am not here to interrogate the mage.” Rudhira rubbed a hand over his face. “Please. Will you give my regrets to the Queens?”

“If that is not what you intend, then what?” Lio took a step closer. “What regrets?”

“As your prince, I ask that you do as I have bade you.”

The conviction came over Lio that the worst was not yet to come—it was upon them. He stood where he was.

“Ambassador Deukalion, Firstgift Komnenos, I have given you a royal command to depart my presence at once.”

“The royal family of Orthros doesn’t give commands. You ask, and we obey, because we love you. This time I am going to disobey for that very reason. Father told me of the one and only time he ever heard you issue a royal command. That was when you ordered him and Nike to go on with the inquisitors’ prisoners so you could go back and die with Methu. They had to drag you out of there by might and magic. What in Hespera’s name are you here to do tonight?”

“Nothing you are responsible for. Know that. In those moments we’ve spoken of, when we Hesperines relive each turning point in our long years and wonder what we could have done differently…never wonder if you could have changed this.”

“Rudhira, whatever it is you are here to do, I will go with you. We will do it together.”

“Where I dare to tread tonight, you cannot follow.”

“I will not leave your side, My Prince.”

Rudhira took a step away from the mage’s door. “Lio. You have too much to stay for.”

A crack in Rudhira’s voice, in the Union, in his armor, revealed a flash of love and despair that knocked the breath from Lio’s lungs.

He was speechless. It was unthinkable.

But if he was going to stop it, he must find his voice. Now.

“Rudhira, please tell me what’s wrong. We need your help, but you don’t have to solve this alone. We can plan and help one another find the best solution.”

Rudhira’s next step brought him out of the light and into Lio’s cloak of shadow. “There is only one solution. The Order’s most-wanted Hesperines are not the embassy. The criminals the Aithourians would do anything to capture are the surviving Blood Errant. How much more valuable a hostage if one of them is a royal. I drive an even harder bargain than Chrysanthos. He is certain to take one Hesperine for seven, if that Hesperine is me.”

“No.” It was the only word Lio could find at first. “Rudhira,no.”

“Think like a diplomat, Lio, not like my Ritual son. This is an effective resolution to the problem.”

“As a diplomat, I know this won’t solve anything. The Aithourian Circle doesn’t want a hostage exchange. They want war. They’ll contrive any excuse to put more of us to the pyre. We cannot trust the Order of Anthros to relinquish the hostages, no matter what demands we meet. Turning yourself in will gain us nothing—and cost usyou.”

“May I remind you this is how my mother Alea saved all of Hagia Boreia?”

“Annassa Alea would never sanction one of her children going willingly into the Order’s custody. This is not some plan of yours with the Queens. Rudhira.” Lio’s voice broke. “You are right about one thing. You are notorious. There will be no escape to the Empire for you. You know what they will do to you.”

Rudhira put a hand on Lio’s head and pulled him close. “I am sorry to cause you this pain.”