“I refuse to be afraid of him while I am surrounded by Hespera’s protection.” Even as Cassia said it, her skirts seemed to weigh heavily on her legs, ready to trap her if she tried to run.
Lio turned Cassia to face him. “You have nothing to fear. Just imagine what would be left of Skleros if he tried that on my watch, or on Mak and Lyros’s.”
“Or with my Charge on guard,” said the prince.
“Or with me in the same city,” Apollon said.
Until this moment, Cassia had never heard Lio’s father sound dangerous. But those words were a threat.
Not to her. For her sake.
“We have the mages well in hand,” Apollon said.
Rudhira gave a nod, but his hands clenched. “Keep a closer eye on them.”
“We will,” said Apollon, Lio, and Cassia at the same time.
Nights Until
“How was Prince Demetrios’sparty?” asked the bundle of silk and bleating goats.
Lio struggled to keep a straight face at the sight of his sister waiting for them in the Ritual hall. She had wrapped herself and her pets in her mantle so thoroughly that she could barely see out. Another lump under the fabric suggested she had a satchel full of toys.
Knight stuck his nose under the mantle. Zoe giggled.
Cassia grinned, her aura bubbling over with amusement. “I enjoyed the tour of Prince Demetrios’s residence very much, but I could hardly wait for veil hours. I’ve been looking forward to meeting your cousins all night. Now you can finally introduce me to Bosko and Thenie.”
Their mother caressed the top of Zoe’s silk-clad head. “You may stay at House Argyros as long as you like. Lio and Cassia will bring you home when you’re ready.”
Zoe looked up at her. “It depends on when Moonbeam and Aurora get sleepy.”
“Of course.” Mother smiled. “The goats mustn’t miss their bedtime.”
There was no telling how long it would be before the open skies and broad avenues between House Komnena and House Argyros ceased to terrify Zoe.
Lio gathered his sister close to him. “I’ll step us.”
“Thank you,” Zoe mumbled.
Cassia slid under his other arm and Knight crowded close to her skirts. Mother gave a final wave, and Lio carried his precious cargo to their destination, Uncle Argyros’s library.
Uncle Argyros stood by the large, round table, which was laden with his full coffee service in all its elaborate elegance. But he did not wear formal silks, rather his silver veil hours robe. He could not have made a more eloquent statement that this was a family gathering. His dark eyes were solemn, but at the sight of Zoe and Cassia, he seemed less world-weary.
Lio was only grateful the distance between him and his uncle was not affecting Cassia’s welcome into the family.
“Welcome to our home, Cassia.” Uncle Argyros beckoned them nearer. “I’m so glad you could join us tonight. My Grace and our daughter regret they could not be here with us for your first visit. They patrol the ward this night.”
The only sign of Aunt Lyta was her slim auburn Grace braid woven into Uncle Argyros’s pale, floor-length braid. Javed sat with Thenie on one of the Imperial rugs amid a pile of colorful building blocks. Kadi’s blond braid in his thick, curly dark hair was probably the closest he had come to his Grace tonight, as well, but his aura glowed with happiness as he extricated a drooly block from their tiny daughter’s mouth. She clung to her father’s hand with both of her small chubby ones, her fingers pale against his smooth brown skin.
“I hope you know you have our deepest gratitude,” Javed said to Cassia, “although Kadi and I are thanking you one at a time, I’m afraid.”
“And caring for the children one at a time, too.” Lio winced inwardly. “The Summit places heavy demands on everyone, but especially new parents.”