The mortals stared. At the gentle seat that served as Orthros’s throne, at the open terrace that served as the Queens’ court. At the side tables covered in platters of rich fare, at Lio and the rest of the silk-clad retinue, who poured coffee, fruit juices, or mead for the guests. Most of the mortals held their cups and plates untouched, but Lio caught sight of a few sneaking sips or nibbles of the delicacies.

At the urging of the Annassa, the embassy took seats around them. As if in a dream, the mages and free lords of Tenebra attended the Queens of Orthros.

Chrysanthos stood apart with his fellow mages, his courtier’s mask firmly in place and no hint of dazzle in his eyes. He radiated anger as acrid as an Anthrian spell, and Lio suppressed a wince of surprise. He sensed Cassia’s alarm as well.

Whathadthe mage and Queen Alea spoken of? Whatever it was, it had gotten under his skin. With a touch of her benevolent, implacable hand, she had put the war mage on the defensive already. Lio’s diplomatic caution lost its battle with his satisfaction. Aithouros’s whelp was indeed no match for even one of the Queens. When they were both done with him, he would go home having been taught a lesson indeed.

Whether he would heed it was another matter.


After the mortals returnedto the guest houses, befuddled more by their hours in the Queens’ presence than by wine, Lio took up his watch in the courtyard outside Cassia’s guest room. He prepared himself to wait for Perita’s departure.

But only moments later, he heard Cassia pacing alone within. He slipped inside.

With speed worthy of a Hesperine, she had her arms around him. Velvet crushed against him. She hadn’t even let Perita stay long enough to undress her.

“Good veil.” She smiled, but her body was tense from head to toe.

Lio buried his hands in her hair. “Once I’ve taken you home where you’ll be safe, I’ll come back here and search the New Guest House for the goblet. If there was anything to Chrysanthos and Skleros’s little game with the wine, we will find out.”

Her brows lifted. “That’s a good idea. Thank you.”

“I’m sorry you had such a close call.”

“Ha! I would never be fooled by such a blatant attempt. It was a clumsy play on their part. Skleros can’t even light a smoke properly in a Hesperine’s presence.”

Her jests rang true, not like the hollow ones she sometimes wielded to cover her emotions. She really wasn’t worried about the wine. Lio rubbed her back, and she eased closer against him, but did not relax.

“Did you get enough to eat at the banquet?” Lio asked.

She put a finger to her lips. “Shhh. Don’t tell anyone. Knight and I stuffed ourselves with the help of a Hesperine illusionist.”

“I told you I would see to it you don’t miss any more meals.” He brushed her mouth with his.

She lipped him like a hungry thief trying to resist the fruit trader’s stall. “You missed your breakfast.”

“Mm.” He kissed her back. “My little sister also missed seeing you. I’ll try to endure until after bedtime stories.”

“Of course. We should see Zoe first.” Cassia’s hands drifted down his chest.

His gaze arrested on her fists. Her heart pounded against his. He could smell the sweat beading on her skin. She stole one more kiss, as she had at the start of moon hours.

He cupped her head under her hair and held her to him, opening his mouth for her. At last she melted against him, and her hands unclenched. She breathed a sigh and plumbed the depths of his mouth.

He pulled back just long enough to speak. “Ifyoucan’t wait until after bedtime stories, my rose, you have but to ask.”

Her cheeks darkened. “I’m usually more self-disciplined.”

“You’ve been self-disciplined—and deprived—for half a year.”

“When we were apart, the feeling that came over me sometimes—it went deeper than that. It was more than just wanting you. I—” She stepped back and tucked a strand of her hair behind her ear. “Never mind. Zoe is waiting on us.”

Lio took Cassia’s hands. “You’re shaking.”

“Too much coffee, I’m sure. I’ll be fine.”

“You’re stifled in velvet, but you feel like you’re freezing.”