“Your mind is understandably confused by your ordeal,” Master Gorgos replied. “It is miraculous you are not experiencing even direr after-effects of the heretical curses that overcame you in that room.”

Cassia bit her tongue before she made an outraged defense of the Hesperines’ innocent gifts.

They actually believed she was under the influence of Hesperine magic. She must be very, very careful what she said.

“I’m afraid it’s true, Your Ladyship. The D—” Benedict stopped himself. “Honored Master Adelphos confirmed it.”

“He confirmed his own arguments, and nothing more,” Lord Gaius returned. “We have nothing but his word.”

Master Gorgos drew himself up. “And the consensus of the other experts in our party.”

“The Semna said I caught a chill,” Cassia protested.

“She is naturally trying to contain everyone’s fears,” Master Gorgos said. “But rest assured, my brethren and I will stand as Anthros’s bastion against the darkness.”

“Thank you, Master Gorgos,” Callen snapped. “Now that my lady has received your glyph, I’m sure your presence is needed elsewhere.”

“I ought to make sure—”

Callen stared the mage down. “My lady needs rest. Now.”

The mage blustered out of the room with Callen breathing down his neck. Her bodyguard shut the door firmly.

“Thank you, Callen.” Cassia rounded on Benedict. “You cannot actually believe this nonsense.”

The knight fingered his amulet of Andragathos. “We cannot deny the potency of the Hesperine magic to which we are exposed every moment we are here.”

“And after all these nights, it chose that particular moment in the mage’s study to strike me down?”

“There is no telling when that influence might build up enough to show its affects.”

“Don’t tell me you are feeling faint from Hesperine magic!”

“Your Ladyship, this is no laughing matter. It is a known fact that women are more susceptible to Hespera’s influence than men. I am afraid for you.”

She stared at him, her anger ringing in her ears. How dare he. Benedict, her friend.

If even Benedict now feared Cassia had been touched by Hesperine sorcery…what must the other men think?

While she had been watching Chrysanthos dash his pieces across the board, his second had crept up behind her and laid waste to her tokens.

Cassia looked to Lord Gaius. “I rejoice to see I am not the only one here unwilling to swallow what the ‘Honored Master’ serves us. Do you believe this?”

“No.” Lord Gaius glared at Benedict. “It is clear the mages are making use of an insignificant event for their own purposes.”

“I must rejoin the embassy at once so they can see I am well and there is no cause for concern.”

Lord Gaius held up a hand. “That, I cannot advise. While your illness is mundane, we should not disregard the danger. Please follow the Semna’s advice and return to your bed.”

Cassia tried not to scowl at Lord Gaius’s paternal tone. “Hadria’s protection is duly noted, my lord. I will now catch up with the mages at the docks.”

Callen and Perita flanked Cassia as she started for the outer door, Knight close at her side. Lord Gaius and Benedict both hesitated, then followed, dueling in their attempts to dissuade her all the way through the halls of Rose House.

When they reached the main hall, her heart leapt at the sight of Lio’s grand rose window that adorned the building over the front doors. Shining in from outside, the Harbor Light gleamed through the multi-paned crimson petals of Hespera’s Rose. That light illumined the words in the flower’s center, and one by one, they became clear to Cassia. For the first time, she not only saw them, but was able to read them for herself.

Come unto me,

to my certain embrace