“I’m afraid not,” Basir answered. “We envoys have made no more progress than the Prince’s Charge. Yet. Rest assured we will lay the matter to rest soon.”

Cassia had to admit, she found comfort in the finality of Basir’s choice of words.

She looked between Lio and the envoys. “What is happening? It must be important, for the Queens’ spymasters to be here tonight instead of Abroad in the field.”

“You are aware this type of event is especially vulnerable to sabotage,” said Basir.

Cassia nodded. “The Charge and the Stand are out in force to ensure everyone’s safety.”

“So is the envoy service,” Kumeta said.

“The Gift Collector appears to be making a move.” There was a hint of a threat under Basir’s factual tone.

Lio ran a hand down Cassia’s back. “Don’t be alarmed. Skleros has been tracking you through the fair, which is why it’s time for you to come with me.”

Cassia’s chest tightened. “Do you think he’ll try something like he did with my wine?”

“Whatever he tries,” Kumeta assured her, “we have the situation well in hand. While you remain safe with Lio, Basir and I will maintain the necessary thelemancy and illusions to make the mortals believe you are still with them. If Skleros makes an attempt upon the illusion of you, we will catch him red-handed.”

Cassia resisted the urge to rub her breastbone. “Perhaps I can help. Knight’s presence would make it easier for you to distract the others.”

“Yes,” Lio agreed, “why don’t you try your idea about sending him after Benedict?”

Basir studied Cassia. “You have a ready stock of diversion tactics, I see.”

“I make a habit of keeping my escape routes open,” Cassia replied. “I don’t use it much outside of training because I always need Knight close, but the command to tail prey should make him follow anything anywhere.”

“This sounds rather dangerous for Sir Benedict,” Kumeta observed.

“Knight knows to hold off unless I command him to attack,” Cassia said.

Basir chuckled.

Cassia unwrapped Benedict’s scarf from around her neck. “Benedict did not hesitate to loan this to me after I appealed to his chivalry in the cold. I am sorry to use his generosity against him.”

“He’ll live,” Lio muttered.

Cassia stood at the front of the aisle between the pavilions. Knight fixed his attention on her. She patted her knees, and he came to her. Benedict didn’t look their way.

Cassia held Benedict’s scarf before Knight’s nose.“Ckada!”

Knight darted out of the shadows and back onto the avenue. As he drew alongside Benedict, the knight glanced down and smiled at the dog.

Kumeta took the scarf from Cassia. “We will have your illusion return this to him.”

“You may leave the rest to us,” Basir said. “We will apprehend Skleros if he provides us with a justification. It would present us with an extraordinary opportunity to question a Gift Collector, then turn him over to the First Prince’s justice. Everyone would go home from the fair with their desired prizes.”

Kumeta wound her arm in Basir’s. “While we’re at it, we must make time for a stop at the confectioners for some festival ice.”

He looked at her with a startled expression.

“They have your favorite flavor,” she said.

“No, they don’t.” Basir’s tone didn’t change, but there was a warmth in his gaze Cassia had never glimpsed there before.

Kumeta’s mouth twitched. “Second favorite flavor, perhaps.”

“I don’t need festival ice,” Basir said.