By the time the song was over, Bosko was sitting with Zoe and sharing her gumsweets, and Thenie was bouncing happily in Mak’s lap. Lyros lounged beside Mak on one of the benches. When Lio finished passing around coffee, he joined Cassia on the other bench in the place she had left open beside her. He put an arm around her shoulders, and she leaned into him, her contentment deepening into happiness.

Nodora was just about to start her third song when Kia burst in, her arms full of scrolls.

Beside her, Xandra cast the scrolls a long-suffering look. “Sorry we’re late.”

“Before you ask, yes, we do need them all,” Kia announced.

“Whatever for?” Nodora asked.

Xandra held up a single scroll that was tied with silver-and-white silk cord—the Summit itinerary. “I thought sometime tonight, we’d get around to conspiring—together. From now on, we should all coordinate whatever we’re planning for the Summit.”

Cassia looked around her at their room full of allies, her aura swelling with emotion. She met Xandra’s gaze. “Thank you.”

Xandra smiled and joined them around the coffee table, taking the chair next to Nodora. Kia deposited her haul of scrolls in another chair, then pulled up a seat for herself.

Zoe stared wide-eyed at the pile of scrolls. “I thought we were done with lessons for tonight.”

“We certainly are,” Kia reassured her. “These are your brother’s assignment. He has to help me squeeze every one of these topics into the brief time dedicated to scholarship during the Summit.”

“Challenge accepted,” Lio declared. “We got through Hephaestion and Phaedros without any Hesperines and humans killing each other. I’m feeling encouraged.”

“So am I,” said Cassia. “Our conspiracies are sure to succeed. But they must wait until after coffee, music, and some fun.”

Lyros rubbed his hands together. “I insist on a game of Prince and Diplomat. Mak and I didn’t get to play at Xandra’s.”

“Prince and Diplomat is boring.” Bosko pulled a bag out of the pocket of his play robe and held it up for Zoe.

“You brought the marbles!” she said.

They took their game, the gumsweets, and the goats under Lio’s desk. Thenie showed no sign she wished to leave Mak’s lap.

Mak plucked a scroll playing piece out of her hands before she could put it in her mouth. “Let’s play. Lio needs a chance to win at something in front of Cassia. Otherwise his pride won’t survive the first time she sees him fight us in the gymnasium.”

“That challenge accepted too!” Lio began arranging the carved stone playing pieces on the polished marble board.

Cassia helped him set out the liegehound pieces. “I’ll enjoy watching you at the gymnasium, whether you win or not.”

He kissed her hand. “Will you be my second at the board?”

“I shall gladly come to the defense of your pride. No one stands a chance.”

“My father crafted this board for me, but as you’ve heard, I first learned to play from my uncle.”

“Made by a warrior, taught by a diplomat,” Cassia said with relish. “Formidable indeed.”

Lio laughed evilly at his Trial brothers, using his magic to enhance the sound. From under his desk, Zoe giggled, and even Bosko half grinned.


Nights Until



Lio’s latest window wasfinished. There was nothing to gain from polishing the panes further. He set aside the cleaning cloth with a sigh.

It was a miracle the cement had dried in time. It was madness that he had performed the final cleaning the same night the work was to go on display. But he had done it. He stood back from his worktable and eyed the completed panel.